

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Monday, November 07,2022
Distribution: All Media

Operation Vega Update: 10th October - 7th November 2022

This last period of Operation Vega, October 10th, 2022 to November 7th, 2022 represents another period of heavy traffic enforcement. The numbers reported for each traffic offence have increased over the previous reporting period.  

Of major concern is the troubling issue of impaired driving. This continues to be a prolific offence, with 15 offenders arrested in this period. Of note, in the month of October this year, there were nine people charged before the courts, fined and banned from the roads, for driving whilst impaired.

Also of concern is the number of unlicensed and uninsured vehicles on the roads, as well as the number of persons driving or riding with invalid or, no driver’s license.  Please be aware, failure to license your car, attracts a $750 fixed penalty. For failing to license a motorcycle, the fixed penalty is $250. Operating a vehicle without a driver’s license, carries a fixed penalty of $100. The courts will levy a $1000 fine if you are found to be operating an uninsured vehicle.   

Disobeying traffic signs and red lights is also a prolific problem on the roads. And for those using Paget lights during the morning commute, we have heard you. 

Chief Inspector Robert Cardwell of the Tactical Support Unit, stated: “We have been deploying roads policing to those lights of late and we have reported many for traffic offences including driving without due care and attention, driving without reasonable consideration and disobeying the red light. There is a current trend where motorcyclists travelling east, towards the red light, go into the offside lane, wait for the light to turn green, then, shoot off across the first car stopped at the light and weave between the first car travelling west. We have been heavily policing this bad riding behaviour.” 

The public is once again reminded that Operation Vega remains in place. This will continue until we are satisfied that we have brought calm to our roads.

During this period, (October 10th, 2022 to November 7th, 2022) 702 moving violation tickets (MVTs) were issued, up from 495 in the previous reporting period. In addition, during this reporting period, 68 motorist advice notices, (MANs - warnings), were issued. That’s up from 52 in the previous reporting period. 154 Parking violation tickets were issued, down from 190 in the previous reporting period.

8,585 MVTs have been reported in the Operation Vega period which launched on July 1st 2021 to November 7th, 2022.  

The break-down of traffic offences reported is as follows:

Impaired Driving Arrests           15

Speeding                                     303 (+22)  excessive speeds recorded ranged from 58 kph to 93 kph.  

Traffic Sign                                      155 (+116)                 

Unlicensed Vehicle                         86 (+31)                  

No third party insurance                 70 (+14)           

No Driver’s license                          38 (+6)       

Manner of driving                           19 (+5)

Disqualified                                       2 (-3)                     

Seatbelt                                              0 (-11)                       

Helmet                                                15 (+10)               

Handheld device                                2 (+2)

Defective vehicle                               1 (-1)

Fail to give name/address                0 (0)

Fail to Stop                                          4 (+2)

Fraudulent Docs                                 2 (-4)

Defective Vehicles                              1 (-1)

Making False Statement                    0 (-1)

Fail to exhibit license plate               2 (+2)                       

In tandem with Operation Vega, we continued to meet our mandate of making Bermuda safer by responding to calls for service. This was a busy period for calls for service, with 1,028 recorded, up from 976 in the previous period.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department