Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The topics below are some of the most common frequently asked questions (FAQs). Please click on a specific topic to learn more.

How do I obtain a copy of an accident/collision report? How do I obtain a copy of a police report (other than a collision report)?  
How do I obtain a ‘police clearance certificate’? What type of police information am I entitled to?
Can I register for the Bermuda Regiment at a police station? How do I get a registered letter?
How do I get a Protection Order? Parking Ticket Advice
How do I get fingerprints taken for visas and overseas agencies?

Can I trade for or purchase a Bermuda Police Service patch?

How do I hire police officers for a private function? How do I become a police officer with the Bermuda Police Service?
What causes me to become ineligible to enter the United States? (Also known as the ‘Stop List’) Can I clear my criminal record?
Police Administered Permit & Licence Fees

How do I obtain a copy of an accident/collision report?

When you report a collision, you will be given a copy of the ‘Blue Form’ that includes most of the information that would be included in a collision report. A copy of that form can be given to your insurance company. If a collision report is still required, it may be obtained upon request with the payment of the appropriate fee. It is usually the insurance company that applies for a formal report. Requests may be made to the Bermuda Police Service Traffic Records Officer (TRO).

The accident report is not considered a ‘public document’. Only directly interested parties may obtain a copy of the report. That is; persons who were involved in or affected by the collision or their insurance companies.

To obtain a copy please apply in writing to:

Bermuda Police Service

P.O. Box HM 530 Hamilton HM CX

Attention: Traffic Records Officer

It would be useful to include in your application the ‘Incident Number’ assigned to the collision. This should have been provided on your copy of the initial collision report (Blue Form), given at the time of police attendance. There is a fee to obtain this report. This fee should be paid by cheque, made payable to ‘The Accountant General.’ Please refer to the schedule of fees (at the end of this document).

How do I obtain a copy of a police report (non-collision)?

This is normally for the purposes of making an insurance claim arising from a burglary, theft, criminal damage or assault.

It should have been indicated to you at the time of the incident which unit or police station will be handling your matter. The station usually depends on the region in which the incident occurred. For reference:

St George's/Hamilton/Smith's – Southside Police Station

• Devonshire/Pembroke/Paget – Hamilton Police Station

• Warwick/Southampton/Sandys – Somerset Police Station

Apply in writing to:

Bermuda Police Service

P.O. Box HM 530 Hamilton HM CX

Attention: Area Commander (relevant police station)

There is a fee for this report. It should be paid by cheque made payable to ‘The Accountant General’. Please refer to the schedule of fees (at the end of this document).

In your letter, outline the time, date and location of the incident. If you have the ‘incident number’ you should include it. If not, the police will find it and include it in the report.

The police report will include a basic description of the incident, a listing of property stolen or damaged, or injuries sustained and contain brief circumstances of the incident.

How do I obtain a ‘police clearance certificate’?

A ‘police clearance certificate’ is a report on any valid criminal convictions within the jurisdiction of Bermuda. They are often required in employment or immigration applications.

Form SF39 ‘Application for Police Criminal Record Check’ is available at any police station or Police Headquarters at Prospect.

This form (PDF) can also be downloaded here.

Instructions for completion of the form, including a list of supporting documents, are on page 2 of the document.

The form may be submitted at any police station or Police HQ, by fax at (441) 299-4459, or by e-mail.

There is a fee for this report (refer to the fee schedule at the end of this document). It must be noted that the Bermuda Police Service receives around 4,000 requests per year for these letters. Providing such letters is not an operational priority for the Bermuda Police Service, in light of other more serious issues. Accordingly, it may take one month to process these requests.

As a related note; printouts of traffic convictions within Bermuda can be obtained from the Magistrate’s Court.

What type of police information am I entitled to?

Not all information held by the police is available for public release.

In the cases of applying for accident/collision or crime reports, only persons who may be regarded as ‘properly interested persons’ are entitled to information held by the Bermuda Police Service. That is, the complainant or victim and, in certain instances, the suspects (i.e. disclosure once they have been charged), those directly involved parties to a collision, and insurance companies who are assessing a claim.

Such information will not be disclosed over the telephone. As per the Bermuda Police Service ‘Call Handling Policy’, you must attend the relevant police facility and present photo ID.

If you are attempting to obtain information for statistical or research purposes, a request may be made in writing to the Commissioner of Police, outlining your reasons for requiring the information and your intentions with the results. The Commissioner has the final discretion on the release of any information.

Application for information for media or journalistic purposes should be made by contacting the Police Media Relations Office at (441) 247-1071 or (441) 247-1417. Upon the full implementation of the Public Access to Information Act 2010 (PATI) some of these instructions are likely to change. This FAQ will be updated accordingly.

Can I register for the Bermuda Regiment at a police station?

Yes - military service registration forms are available from the front desks of all three area police stations (Southside, Hamilton, Somerset) and Police HQ at Prospect. For auditing reasons, this form is not available electronically.

Completed forms may be handed in at these police stations or directly to Warwick Camp.

As a reminder; Section 13 of the Defence Act 1965 stipulates that all males in Bermuda attaining the age of 18 years must register for military service unless they are exempted. Should you have any other queries regarding military registration, please contact the Bermuda Regiment; the Adjutant at (441) 238-1045; or the Paymaster at (441) 238-2162. You can also visit The Bermuda Regiment’s website.

How do I get a registered letter?

The police can only enforce registered letters that relate to trespass on property under section 19(d) of the Summary Offences Act 1926.

A registered letter (under the Summary Offences Act 1926) is a written notice from one party to another prohibiting entry onto property over which the writer has lawful control.

The letter must then be sent to the recipient by registered mail. You may write the letter yourself or you may have a law firm write the letter for you, on their letterhead. This will involve a cost but will ensure that the wording complies with a legal standard.

The letter must then be taken to the post office and, for a fee, registered to be delivered to the other party’s last known address. If done through a law firm this is part of their service fee.

A copy of the letter should be sent to the Commissioner of Police and a copy retained for your own records. If the conditions of the letter are breached, then the police may be called and the subject may be arrested or prosecuted under this Act.

If you wish to try to prohibit any other activities, such as unwanted communication or harassing behaviour, a letter may be written and delivered in the same manner as above (except copying it to the Bermuda Police Service), however, it will not be directly enforceable by the police.

The acts may constitute a separate criminal offence or you may have to consider taking civil action. The letter would then serve as evidence that you had tried to formally notify the other party to desist.

How do I get a Protection Order?

A Protection Order (PO) is different from a registered letter both in how it is acquired and how it is enforced. A PO is a court order. They are issued upon application to the courts, under two Acts: the Domestic Violence (Protection Orders) Act 1997 (also known as a DVPO) and the Stalking Act 1997.

Under the DVPOA 1997, DVPOs are issued where there have been demonstrated instances of, or the threat of, violence or abuse between parties who are in a ‘domestic relationship’. Under the Stalking Act 1997, there does not need to be an established relationship, the subject need only be conducting behaviour that causes or is intended to cause fear in another person (i.e. stalking).

Application is not a simple process and should be done with the assistance of a lawyer or other agencies experienced in protection orders. In certain circumstances, where the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is prosecuting a criminal case, for additional protection they may apply for a PO on behalf of the complainant or victim in the case.

POs contain a list of conditions (no approach, no contact, etc) which are to be kept by the recipient. These conditions can be extended to include other ‘protected persons’ or ‘connected persons’, often the children or other immediate family/household members of the applicant.

Failure to comply with or breach of any of the conditions renders the recipient liable to arrest by the police and prosecution. Assistance for obtaining a PO can be made via the Centre Against Abuse, at (441) 297-8278 or the Centre Against Abuse wesbite. They will also assist in writing and sending registered letters which will prohibit trespassing, if a PO is not the desired option. (see FAQ “How do I get a registered letter”).

Parking Ticket Advice

General advice about parking in the City of Hamilton can be found at the City Hall or at their website at or Some of the frequent issues arising out of the issuing of parking tickets are addressed below:

1. Parking voucher page or booklet over-turned on vehicle dashboard or not displaying a valid voucher or intended voucher: The onus is on the driver to display it clearly so that it can be seen from the outside of the vehicle by the Traffic Warden. Failure to do so may render your vehicle liable to ticketing. On departing the vehicle, be sure to look at the voucher book so that it is displayed clearly and valid. Do not assume that the view from inside is the same as from the outside.

2. Parking Voucher cannot be seen/ time or voucher is hidden behind dark tint on windscreen. Many vehicles have a dark manufacturing tint around the entire border of the windscreen. When a parking voucher is placed on the dashboard of a vehicle, it may slip down between the glass and the dashboard on the inside of the vehicle (e.g. when you close the door causing the booklet or page to move). From the outside of the vehicle, any information on the voucher may be blocked by the dark tinted strip on the outside of the vehicle. The onus is on the driver to ascertain that all information can be easily read from the outside by a traffic warden or police officer.

3. No minutes marked off on the parking voucher. Instructions on the booklet state all 5 panels must be scratched off.


• 12.00pm will be shown as Hour 12 - Minute 0

• 12.05pm will be shown as Hour 12 - Minute 5 (but may also include 0 and 5)

• If only 12 is scratched out in the hours but no minutes, it will be regarded as 12pm.

4. Time marked off in advance or error. This may be regarded as improper completion of the voucher and may be considered an offence. The minute section of the voucher is to be scratched off to no more than the nearest five minutes of the correct time (Atlantic Standard Time). Correct time settings on watches or vehicle clocks can be made by calling 909 for the correct local time.

5. Waiting and not Parking. Drivers often argue that they were ‘waiting’ and not ‘parked’ so shouldn’t be given a parking ticket. The Road Traffic Act 1947 defines parking as follows: “parking” means the standing on a road of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except: a) while the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded; b) while passengers are entering or leaving the vehicle; c) when in compliance with the directions of a police officer or of a traffic sign or traffic signal; d) while temporarily stopped by reason of traffic conditions; or e) while stopped owing to mechanical breakdown or lack of fuel; If you are in a ‘Paid Parking Voucher Zone’ you must use a voucher or Easy Park. Failure to use either method may render you liable to being ticketed if found by a traffic warden or police officer.

6. Easy Park Meter Device. Ensure the Easy Park meter device is set to the correct ‘zone’ found on the back of the unit. Street parking is a different fee than parking in a car park or at the Airport. The Easy Park device should be located on the front window closest to the sidewalk. Placing the unit on the middle of the dash board may result in the device being unreadable by the traffic warden due to the angle. Unreadable means invalid. Remove any old parking vouchers while using the Easy Park meter device. The telephone number for Easy Park is (441) 542-7000. Any issues with a unit can be dealt with by the by contacting their Customer Service Representative.

7. Loading Zones and 15 minute Bays in Voucher Parking Areas. As of November 2010 all goods vehicles require payment of either a parking voucher or an Easy Park meter when parking in loading zones, Mon-Sat, for up to one hour, for the purposes of loading or unloading a goods vehicle. All 15 minute parking bays require the same form of payment.

8. Restricted parking zones on Reid Street between 8am to 10am (between King Street and Court Street and between Parliament Street and Queen Street). As of November 2009, these areas on Reid Street were defined by the City of Hamilton as one big loading zone between the specified hours. There are also signs posted to that effect. Private cars and taxis are prohibited from parking on these stretches of Reid Street between those hours. Vouchers and Easy Park meters can be used after 10am.

9. Ticketed while in Court (or other appointments). There are no provisions for parking in the same spot in voucher parking areas to attend court or other appointments that may over-run one hour. It is advised to park in a car park rather than on the street, if it could be anticipated running past one hour. Persons who believe that they have been wrongly issued with a parking ticket should NOT attend a police station seeking redress. There are two options available to persons issued with a parking ticket: a) Pay the fixed penalty fine or b) Attend court and plead ‘not guilty’ to the alleged offence.

NOTE - Tickets issued by Airport Traffic Officers or TCD Traffic Officers are not managed by the Bermuda Police Service. For enquiries concerning such tickets you can contact the Department of Airport Operations (441) 293-1640 or the Transport Control Department at (441) 292-1271.

If you have experienced a vehicle breakdown or have locked your keys in the car, in order to avoid receiving a parking ticket, you should contact Police Com-Ops at (441) 295-0011 and indicate the steps you are taking to have the vehicle removed. A note in the window will also assist.

How do I get fingerprints taken for visas and overseas agencies?

The Forensic Support Unit (FSU) will take your fingerprints if required by another agency for the purposes of security or immigration clearances. There is a fee for each set of fingerprints that are taken (refer to fee schedule at the end of this document).

Contact the FSU Fingerprints Section at (441) 278-5108 or (441) 278-5131, or by e-mail to make an appointment. Please be aware that the appointment may be rescheduled due to operational commitments of the FSU.

Please ensure that you have the appropriate forms with you. The FSU cannot ensure that they have all such forms in stock. Please bring photo ID. A passport is preferred; a driver’s licence may be accepted.

NOTE – These prints will not be entered into any database. The FSU will retain a photocopy of these prints but this may not be sufficient for official purposes. You should retain sufficient original sets for your purposes, or you may have to make another appointment to take more prints.

The US Consulate in Bermuda may also provide a fingerprinting service in connection with the application of US Visa and other security clearances. Please visit their website.

Can I trade for or purchase a Bermuda Police Service patch?

Bermuda Police Service officers do not wear identifying shoulder patches as found in many other police services worldwide. Approved Bermuda Police Service patches are available for purchase from any of the Police Recreation Clubs (Prospect, St. George's, Somerset).

Other items of Bermuda Police Service uniform may not be sold or otherwise distributed without authorization from the Commissioner of Police. Use of police uniform without such authorization may constitute an offence under the Police Act 1974.

How do I hire police officers for a private function?

Police officers may be contracted to perform security or traffic control duties at particular types of functions. Application may be made in writing to:

Bermuda Police Service

P.O. Box HM 530 Hamilton HM CX

Attention: Area Commander (relevant police station)

Application should be made to the station commander of the area where the event is to occur.

For reference:

St George's/Hamilton/Smith's – Southside Police Station

Devonshire/Pembroke/Paget – Hamilton Police Station

Warwick/Southampton/Sandys – Somerset Police Station

By contacting the relevant station you may also obtain the email address of the station commander or manager and apply via e-mail.

The application should include the nature and scope of the event, how many police officers required and the duration. The ‘Extra Duty Policy’ of the Bermuda Police Service requires that any approved extra duty be paid in advance.

Cheques should be payable to ‘The Accountant General’. The station manager will advise of the hourly rates depending on how many police officers and ranks are to be involved.

How do I become a police officer with the Bermuda Police Service?

Extensive information on the requirements to join the Bermuda Police Service as a Constable is available here. Some basic criteria are listed below:

• You are between 19 and 49 years of age;

• You are a Bermudian or the non-Bermudian spouse of a Bermudian or possess a Permanent Residency Certificate;

• You possess a school-leaving certificate with good academic standing.

There is a written and physical test as well as a vetting process examining your background. Application forms are available at all police stations, Police HQ and the Training Centre. The form is also available for download via the link above. The form is a PDF document and cannot be completed online.

Completed forms may be returned to any of the above mentioned locations or mailed to the Recruitment Officer:

The Recruitment Officer

Bermuda Police Service Headquarters

P.O. Box HM 530 Hamilton HMCX Bermuda

Telephone: (441) 299-4304 E-mail:

You may also want to consider the Bermuda Reserve Police (BRP), which has different residency requirements. The BRP have a separate page on the Bermuda Police Service website with history and recruiting information.

Information and applications forms may be obtained from the BRP Headquarters (not available online), or telephone (441) 299-4442.

Advertisements for support staff postings within the Bermuda Police Service are published in the official gazette, or can be found on the Bermuda Government website (Human Resources/Govt. Career Opportunities).

What causes me to become ineligible to enter the United States? (Also known as the ‘Stop List’)

This matter is not handled by the Bermuda Police Service. For all inquiries regarding US visa waivers, please contact the US Consulate General at (441) 295-1342, via e-mail or through their website.

Can I clear my criminal record?

The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1977 makes provision for a person’s criminal record to be automatically ‘cleared’ (or ‘rehabilitated’) seven years after the last conviction, or; seven years after serving a sentence of imprisonment.

There are certain classifications of offences excluded from rehabilitation:

• A sentence of death;

• A sentence of imprisonment for life;

• A sentence of imprisonment for a term exceeding three years;

• A sentence or order of detention during Her Majesty’s pleasure.

The effect of the rehabilitation (according to the Act) will be as if a person had never committed, been charged with or been convicted of the offences previously held on that record. Basic inquiries into a rehabilitated person’s criminal record will result in no convictions being revealed.

There are however a number of exceptions:

• During criminal proceedings in a court in Bermuda

• During civil proceedings for libel or slander

• During proceedings under the Children Act 1998

• During proceedings under the Protection of Children Act 1943

As a related point -Traffic offences are considered ‘spent’ (i.e. not reckonable in court) after two years, except those involving grievous bodily harm or death. However, there is no legal provision for being ‘rehabilitated’ from traffic offences. As such, traffic convictions remain on record for an indefinite period.


Explosives Substances Act 1974

Blasting Licence $750.00

Blasting Permit $75.00

Magazine Licence $500.00

Special Licence $281.00

Fireworks Licences $250.00

Manufacture Explosives Licence $1,086.00

Firearms Act 1973

Grant Rifle Clubs and Firearm Licence $250.00

Firearms Licence Renewal $250.00

Import Permit $250.00

Gun Licence $250.00

Ammunition Licence $250.00

Rifle Club Licence $250.00

Firearm Dealers Licence $500.00

Temporary Licence $21.00

Removal Permit $100.00

Liquor Licence Act 1974

Crown & Anchor Permit $1,500.00

Private Investigators & Security Guards Act 1974

Security Guard/Private Investigator Business Licence $1,000.00

Security Guard/Private Investigator Licence $100.00

Appeal to Governor against denial of licence $250.00

Summary Offences Act 1926

Noise Permit $250.00

Supply of Information for Civil Proceedings Regulations 1968

Traffic Collision Report $100.00

Crime or other Incident Report $100.00 (Refund for no information found - 50%)

Interview of police officer for civil proceedings $100.00

Police Clearance Certificate $100.00

Requested fingerprints $100.00 per set


Extra Duty Charges

Constable (fee per hour)

Sergeant (fee per hour)