Commissioner of Police Mr. Stephen Corbishley – Good morning everybody.
In the last week we announced our 7 ambitions change programme and a fundamental theme of that is to invest in local communities, particularly the parish Constables and other resources we’re placing there, but most importantly is to engage with local communities, listen to their concerns, respond to that and to shape our services better.
So I’m delighted to announce that the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) is launching today our Independent Advisory Group (IAG). There are many challenges across Bermuda and those challenges sit across a variety of different communities. It’s absolutely essential that we shape our services to respond and look after them.
It’s very much around being community focused and listening to their views and the Independent Advisory Group seeks to bring together volunteers from different backgrounds, different groups – particularly hard to reach groups – to sit down with us and advise us in the way in which we deliver our policing on a day to day basis.
The type of policing that we deliver is not one size fits all. It should be responsive to the needs of different people, whether they be seniors, young people or hard to reach groups – the gay, lesbian, transgender communities, other parties – so people have trust and confidence that when they come into our contact they’re dealt with fairly and we actually understand their needs.
An IAG brings those people together to give us advice about the way we deliver our services to demonstrate transparency in how we engage with the public, particularly in areas like stop and search, which is often quite emotive. It also allows us to shape policies – and indeed when significant incidents take place an IAG is extremely valuable for the police to be able to understand and hear the concerns of local communities and as a result, respond.
The people that we’re looking for are from any background, particularly those from hard to reach groups that I’ve touched upon. You should be of sound character, and perhaps active in your local community. Indeed, this is a voluntary role so we ask for some of your time to come and assist us. But above all, I’d like to have people that are committed – as I am and the rest of the BPS – in making a change in Bermuda and ensuring that people are safe and we’re responsive in dealing with them.
There is no charge in joining us and we already have a number of members that are already committed to engage in the programme, but we want more.
More information can be found on the BPS website, particularly in regards to how IAGs work, are structured and also contact points for people to be able to get in touch and get involved.
I really do hope that some people listening to this will come forward and help us, because the only way that the BPS will become a great service is by having community members involved and talking to us in how we shape our services.
Thank you.
Bermuda Police Service Independent Advisory Group Application Form |