The Bermuda Police Service Public and Media Relations Department is starting a spontaneous grassroots social media campaign entitled “#drivesafelybdansavealife”.
During the past few weeks we have seen an increase in road traffic collisions and the goal of this grassroots social media campaign is to start dialogue between road users and highlight the importance of “#drivesafelybdansavealife”.
We are looking to have this phrase the most retweeted phrase for the next week on all social media networks.
So how can you get involved? We want all social media users to go on their accounts and create creative catch phrases, Memes and Vines around the hashtag “#drivesafelybdansavealife”.
Social media users are encouraged to tag The Bermuda Police Service on the post for possible repost on the police social media accounts.
Twitter: @bermudapolice
Instagram: @bermudapolice
Facebook: Bermuda Police Service |