A total of 1,135 motorists were engaged by police officers during the most recent road sobriety checkpoints, which took place at various locations around the island from Thursday, 24th November through Sunday, 27th November 2022.
Of that total, 14 motorists were referred for secondary assessment. Six of the 14 motorists were then required to take an alco-analyser test, which one motorist failed. As a result, that individual was arrested on suspicion of impaired driving and a court appearance is anticipated in due course.
In addition, during the four-day period, 10 motorists were arrested for non-traffic offences (outstanding warrants, drug offences etc.), six motorists received official written warnings (Motorist Advice Notices) for traffic related infractions and a total of 23 traffic tickets were issued for:
• Licence plate offences = 2.
• No driver’s licence = 4.
• Unlicensed vehicle = 5.
• No third party insurance = 5.
• Driving while disqualified = 1.
• Other traffic offences (disobeying a traffic sign, not wearing a seatbelt etc.) = 6.
As we enter the festive season, the Bermuda Police Service takes this opportunity to remind road users to be responsible.
Residents are encouraged to make arrangements with a designated driver, taxi or another reputable transportation service to get home, or to their intended destination, safely – if going out to socialise.
Don’t ride or drive impaired. Stop speeding and please, be mindful of others on our roads. |