The “Memorial Day” holiday weekend went off quite smoothly from a serious crime perspective and we would like to thank the members of the public for working with us to make it a peaceful weekend. However, there were a number of arrests for various offences, starting on Friday night.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Martin Weekes stated: “The majority of these arrests were for outstanding warrants. The Bermuda Police Service, (BPS), has stepped up efforts in terms of ensuring that individuals with outstanding warrants meet their responsibility. So we advise that if you have an outstanding warrant, you take action to have it cleared. To that end, ten people were arrested on outstanding warrants this past weekend. Worryingly, a number of people were arrested for assault, including against the police. One of our officers was left with injuries to both arms after they were assaulted by a suspect during a search, having been arrested for a previous assault, on another individual.”
Over the weekend one person was arrested for driving whilst disqualified.
• Obstruction – 1
• Driving whilst disqualified by the court - 1
• Warrant - 10
• Common Assault - 2
• Common assault on Police - 1
• Breach of the Peace - 1
• Wilful Damage - 1
Despite repeated advisories that Operation Vega remains in place, some road users continue to ignore traffic regulations.
Assistant Commissioner Weekes said: “Operation Vega has been implemented in a continued effort to curtail such behaviour and there will be ongoing heightened police activity as we seek to improve behaviour on the island’s roads. We accept that this will require consistent action on our part as bad driving behaviour is cultural and will take time to change.”
Speeding is one of the main targets of Operation Vega. Thirty-one people were ticketed for speeding offences over the weekend. The highest recorded speed was 72 kilometres per hour. More than twice the 35 kilometre per hour limit.
As previously stated, there is a noticeable increase in the number of people being ticketed for driving unlicensed/uninsured vehicles and driving without a driver’s license.
We wish to remind you that, failure to license your car, attracts a $750 fixed penalty. For failing to license a motorcycle, the fixed penalty is $250. Operating a vehicle without a driver’s license, carries a fixed penalty of $100. The courts will levy a $1000 fine if you are found to be operating an uninsured vehicle.
• No Driver’s Licence - 5
• No Vehicle Licence - 13
• No Insurance - 12
• Disqualified Driving - 3
• Speeding - 41
• MAN forms - 23
• Traffic sign offences - 4
• Unfastened Helmet - 1
• Driving without due care and attention - 1 |