

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Tuesday, July 26,2022
Distribution: All Media

Cup Match 2022 Holiday Weekend Policing Plan

Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police James Howard - "Well, it is Cup Match time in Bermuda. It is a time to reflect, remember and celebrate Emancipation Day and Mary Prince Day, and who we are as a community. The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) wishes to take this opportunity to advise the public on a number of matters, to ensure a safe time for all during this year’s Cup Match holiday weekend.

The purpose of this press release is more about safety and less about how we intend to police this weekend holiday.

High Visibility Patrols

As there are a number of events taking place over this four day holiday weekend, there will be a robust police presence throughout the island. We will be partnering with the Bermuda Reserve Police (BRP) and the Royal Bermuda Regiment (RBR).

There are two intents for this. The first is to discourage those members of our community that might seek to disrupt our holiday with acts of anti-social behaviour or criminality.

The second is to continue applying the objectives of our Road Safety Strategy which include reducing road traffic collisions in all areas from damage only to injury to fatalities; combating anti-social road use and reducing incidents of impaired driving.

In order to apply these objectives the BPS will engage those persons within the motoring public at all levels from merely having a presence to issuing of motorist advice notices (warnings) to enforcement by tickets and/or arrest based on relevant legislation. The intent is to influence driver behaviour, making the roads safer for all of us as we travel to the many events planned.

We will ensure a proportionate policing response to the multiple major events taking place over the four days.

Cup Match

As you are all aware the Annual Cup Match between Somerset and St. George's Cricket Clubs commence this Thursday at 10am. We are expecting a few thousand people over the two days. Police presence will be high at this event. We will be working in partnership with the Somerset Cricket Club, the BRP and a private security company who will be providing CCTV coverage throughout the grounds.


In partnership with the Bermuda Reserve Police and the Royal Bermuda Regiment Coastguard, there will be a visible presence on the water. I would like to remind the boating public to ensure that their vessels are registered; that a current decal is prominently displayed on the starboard side of the vessel; that they ensure that all required safety equipment is on board; that they are carrying enough fuel for the intended journey. It is also recommended that they file a float plan if they intend to go offshore.

The expectation is to have fun, enjoy the holiday but be responsible. It is our collective responsibility to make Bermuda safer.

On behalf of the Commissioner of Police, I wish the entire community a pleasant, enjoyable and safe Cup Match Weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you at some of the events taking place."

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department