Superintendent Sean Field-Lament – “The Bermuda Police Service is excited to be once again working with our community and partner agencies to ensure a safe and peaceful Cup Match holiday long weekend. We are appealing to the general public to assist us in achieving this goal.
Despite the relatively short notice, Cup Match 2021 marks the second year that a Joint Agency Command Committee has collaborated and developed a robust operational plan for the 118th cricket classic.
As a reminder, the Joint Agency Command Committee members include representatives from St. George’s Cricket Club (SGCC), the Ministry of National Security, Bermuda Police Service (BPS), Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service, Royal Bermuda Regiment, Bermuda Hospitals Board, Department of Health (Environmental Health Section), Department of Planning, St. John Ambulance and SAS Protection Services.
As per previous years, all key emergency services and committee members will be at the St. George’s Cricket Club grounds on both days of the event, co-located in the Joint Agency Command Centre (JACC), which will allow for proper risk assessments, collective resourcing and collaborative problem solving to incidents arising.
As it relates to the BPS, we will have a combination of resources on duty consisting of BPS staff, officers, Reserves and members of the Royal Bermuda Regiment. The policing plans will incorporate activities centred at the SGCC and the parks/beaches throughout the island.
SGCC is responsible for the running of the cricket match and have security measures in place, which the BPS will be supporting. There is a new on-line ticket system being used this year. Patrons are reminded that they must possess a pre-purchased (on-line) ticket plus a safe key to gain entry. There will be no ticket sales at the gates – as such, do not show up looking for tickets or entry, without tickets.
In addition, it is important to note that the BPS has once again asked the Minster of Public Works to close Wellington Slip Road to all non-resident vehicular traffic between 9:00am and 9:00pm on both days of Cup Match. This is a public safety measure to ensure free and unfettered access to SGCC by emergency vehicles.
Cricket match parking is limited to designated parking areas. They are as follows:
• St. George’s Preparatory School
• East End Primary School
• Mullet Bay Park
• Tiger Bay
From a general public safety perspective, the BPS will have a high visibility presence throughout the island and at various public events during the holiday weekend. In particular, patrols will be at Horseshoe Bay and Clearwater beaches. This is once again aimed to achieve our goal of a safe and peaceful holiday.
The BPS road safety initiative – Operation Vega – will be in place. We are asking the public to assist in making the roads safer – so drive responsibly, keep your speed down, and be respectful of all road users. Please be mindful that road sobriety checkpoints will be in effect in St. George’s, Hamilton parish, Smith’s parish, Devonshire, Pembroke, Paget, Warwick and Southampton over the Cup Match long weekend holiday period. If you are going to drink – do not drive.
In closing, the BPS wishes everyone an enjoyable Cup Match holiday weekend.”