A car driver, said to be a 24-year-old Hamilton parish woman, was arrested on suspicion of impaired driving Sunday night after a collision involving four other cars in the City of Hamilton.
Thankfully, no one was hurt. However, all five vehicles were damaged.
The crash occurred around 8:55pm Sunday, 6th June at the junction of Burnaby Street and Reid Street.
Apparently the 24-year-old woman was driving a grey Suzuki Swift car along Burnaby Street when she failed to stop at the marked stop sign at the junction and collided with another car (a blue BMW) being driven along Reid Street. The driver of the BMW, said to be a 27-year-old Pembroke woman, was not hurt.
Reports also indicate that three additional cars that were parked and unoccupied along Burnaby Street at the time, were caught up in the aftermath of the initial crash – with one of the three parked vehicles pushed on to the sidewalk and into the outer wall of Butterfield Bank.
Inquiries continue and a court appearance is anticipated in due course.
Any witnesses that have not already come forward are encouraged to call Constable Michelle Berkeley on the main police number 295-0011 or e-mail mberkeley@bps.bm. |