Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley – Today is International Women’s Day, a key opportunity to recognise and celebrate the achievements of women across the world and the contributions they've made to social, economic, cultural and political advancements.
The theme for this year’s International Women's Day is #ChooseToChallenge, highlighting that a “challenged world is an alert world, and from challenge comes change”.
Whilst International Women’s day is a celebration I also consider it should be a reminder to shine a light on women, young and old, that are prevented from leading a life that is safe but instead find themselves vulnerable from issues of abuse or exploitation.
Hidden harm is sadly very real for many females in our community and often their situation is one where they are either frightened or unable to change.
We have many groups in Bermuda who recognise this and do much work to help; from the Centre for Domestic Abuse, the Women’s Resource Centre, SCARS and the BPS’ own Vulnerable Persons Unit. However, we can all play a part by recognising women (young and old) who are vulnerable. That we do the right thing, ‘chose to challenge’ their situation and get someone to help and change their life for the better.
As Commissioner of Police, that is the kind of challenge I reflect on with today’s International Women’s Day, as by such action we allow girls and women the opportunity to achieve their full potential as a result of feeling safe and supported.