Following a complaint of serious sexual assault by a serving police against two other serving officers, a criminal investigation was commenced, alongside employment matters of gross misconduct to which the officers were suspended.
A file was submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Office for charging consideration.
An assessment by the DPP decided upon examination of all the evidence presented that there was not a realistic chance of prosecution in this matter beyond all reasonable doubt.
The officers subject to the criminal allegation have subsequently been informed, however they remain suspended and the BPS disciplinary process will make assessment to their behavior, a process that, unlike the criminal threshold, is based on the balance of probability.
As Commissioner of Police I support all who make complaint of sexual assault, whether they be a police officer or member of the public of any ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
We continue to look after the officer who made this complaint at this difficult time, with the provision of counselling and welfare support.
I understand the officer will now seek judicial review in regards to the DPPs decision which he is legally entitled to do.
In view of this action it would be inappropriate for the BPS to make any further comment until this process is completed.