Cup Match 2019, held at the St. George’s Cricket Club (SGCC), was the first to feature a Joint Agency Command Centre where the host club as well as representatives from the Ministry of National Security, Bermuda Police Service (BPS), Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service, Royal Bermuda Regiment, Bermuda Hospitals Board, Department of Health (Environmental Health Section), Department of Planning, St. John Ambulance and SAS Protection Services worked together to ensure the 117th annual cricket classic was as safe as possible.
Lessons learned from this year’s Cup Match will assist in planning future events, including Cup Match 2020 at Somerset Cricket Club.
Mr. Romeo Ruddock, St. George’s Cricket Club Executive Member – “St. George's Cricket Club thanks Premier the Hon. David Burt, Minister of Labour, Community Affairs & Sports the Hon. Lovitta Foggo, Superintendent Na’imah Astwood, SAS Protection Services and the Bermuda Hospitals Board for establishing the Cup Match Classic Emergency Planning Team and the Joint Agency Command Centre (JACC).
The 2019 Cup Match classic was a huge success in part because of multi-agencies working diligently together to ensure that Bermuda's premier event was safe for all spectators. A huge thank you goes to Bermuda Hospitals Board’s Mr. Dean Parris for his dedication and commitment to ensuring that we completed the 2019 Cup Match Classic Emergency Plan. The collaboration and leadership over the two days between all parties was the first of its kind for this event, but was extremely well coordinated and greatly appreciated by the St. George's Cricket Club.”
Mr. Dean Parris, Operations Manager, Bermuda Hospitals Board – “Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) joined other emergency response services at the Joint Agency Command Centre for the 2019 Cup Match Classic at the St. George’s Cricket Club.
This was the first year a Joint Agency Command Centre was used at the match, allowing key personnel to be located in one area to collaboratively deal with any emergency that arose.
BHB worked with St. John Ambulance to provide medical care to anyone who required it.
During the two-day celebration, care was provided to almost 50 people, including five patients who were transferred to the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.
Three of BHB’s self-contained medical tents were used as the medical station, Police Command Centre and Joint Agency Command Centre, providing a lighted, air conditioned environment for the teams throughout the 12-hour days.
BHB looks forward to working with our emergency response partners again in the future to provide safe medical and working environments at large public events.”
Superintendent Na’imah Astwood (Operations) – “The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) along with all our sister agencies and key stakeholders cohesively worked together in the Joint Agency Command Centre for the two-day Cup Match holiday.
The efficiency, teamwork and collaboration between agencies allowed us to deal with incidents promptly and systematically. The positive efforts that were demonstrated during the Cup Match holiday were a direct result of the various meetings and practice table top exercises that took place leading up to Cup Match 2019.
Cup Match was not only successful from the Joint Agency Command Centre team perspective, but for Bermuda on a whole, which experienced a safe and enjoyable Cup Match. The BPS wish to thank all of our community partners and members of the public who all contributed to a successful holiday weekend.”
Acting Divisional Officer Josonne Smith, Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service – “The Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service is proud to have been a part of the Joint Agency Command team who worked to make this Cup Match a safe and enjoyable event.
This year as a result of the exemplary efforts of all the Departments including the St. George’s Cricket Club executives, the Cup Match event was relatively uneventful. Though there were some incidents that took place, they were handled in a timely and professional manner.
The Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service conducted fire safety inspections of all vendors who participated and worked to ensure that their stalls had the correct safety equipment and their staff knew what to do in the event of an emergency.
As a result, this year every vendor received the all clear for providing all safety equipment and for complying with all concession stand regulations. We look forward to working together with all agencies to ensure public safety at all events.”
Major Benjamin Beasley, Second in Command & Training Officer, Royal Bermuda Regiment – “The Royal Bermuda Regiment continued to provide an important layer of safety and security for the people of Bermuda during the Cup Match period.
Providing assistance to the other government agencies was another demonstration of the Unit’s flexibility, conducting operations on land and sea.
The local military is proud of its part time personnel who continually respond to the needs of the Island, often foregoing their personal enjoyment when duty calls.”
Mr. Jeffrey Borges, Deputy Commissioner, St. John Ambulance – “St. John Ambulance was a part of the JACC for Cup Match Classic 2019. Many departments came together such as St. George’s Cricket Club, BPS, Department of Health, BHB, BFRS, and SAS security group to help make Cup Match safer and to be able to respond to any incidents and or emergencies in a timely manner.
St. John Ambulance personnel responded to many calls around the St. George’s Cricket Club area and did so professionally and quick as possible. Thank you to all of St. John personnel as well as all agencies involved in making Cup Match 2019 a success.”
Mr. Stuart DeRoza, Team Lead, SAS Protection Services Ltd. – “SAS Team would like to take this opportunity to thank all parties involved (SGCC, Bermuda Police Service, Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service, Health Department, etc.) in the collaborative security plan for Cup Match 2019.
The pre-planning meetings and onsite team disbursing information on the days, contributed to the event’s success with little incidents; security was clearly at the forefront of Cup Match as we sought to keep order as we celebrated one of Bermuda’s most popular holidays.
SAS Team would like to extend a huge thank you to the SGCC for hosting this year’s Cup Match Classic and the people of Bermuda for being their brother’s keeper which assisted in a safe environment for all.”

Photo taken inside the JACC during a visit by Deputy Governor Alison Crocket and Deputy Premier the Hon. Walter Roban JP MP on the second day of Cup Match.
Pictured (left to right): Jeffrey Borges (Deputy Commissioner, St. John Ambulance), Maxine Smith (SAS Protection Services), Inspector Kenten Trott (BPS), Lieutenant Shannon Caisey (Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service), Deputy Premier the Hon. Walter Roban JP MP, Deputy Governor Alison Crocket, Superintendent Na’imah Astwood (BPS), Superintendent Claire Armes (on secondment with BPS from Devon & Cornwall Police UK), Natalie Blake (Department of Health), Detective Constable Leroy Mathurin (BPS) and Armell Thomas (Department of Health). |