Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police Na’imah Astwood (Operations) – Cup Match 2019 marks the first year that a Joint Agency Command Committee has been formally meeting and formulating operational plans leading up to the 117th annual cricket classic.
The Joint Agency Command Committee members include representatives from St. George’s Cricket Club (SGCC), the Ministry of National Security, Bermuda Police Service (BPS), Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service, Royal Bermuda Regiment, Bermuda Hospitals Board, Department of Health (Environmental Health Section), Department of Planning, St. John Ambulance and SAS Protection Services.
To capitalize on the committee’s efforts, committee members will be at the St. George’s Cricket Club grounds on both days of the event, co-located in the Joint Agency Command Centre (JACC).
The importance of the JACC is that it enables senior representatives from all the key emergency services and stakeholders to be co-located in the same command centre, which will allow for collaborative decisions regarding any incidents to be collectively resourced and properly risk assessed.
As it relates to the BPS, we will have a combination of resources on duty consisting of BPS staff, officers, Reserves and members of the Royal Bermuda Regiment.
Our policing plans will focus on activities inside and outside of the Club grounds. As such, it is important to note that the Minster of Public Works has permitted Wellington Slip Road to be closed to all non-resident vehicular traffic between 9:00am and 9:00pm on both days of Cup Match.
Designated parking areas are as follows:
St. George’s Preparatory School
East End Primary School
Mullet Bay Park
Tiger Bay (Thursday only)
From a general public safety perspective, the police will be patrolling on both land and sea, conducting routine patrol and traffic enforcement initiatives.
We will also provide a high visibility presence at various public events during the holiday weekend, in support of organizers to deliver safe, and as far as practicable, trouble free festivities.
Please be mindful that road sobriety checkpoints will be in effect in St. George’s, Hamilton parish, Smith’s parish, Devonshire, Pembroke, Paget, Warwick and Southampton on Thursday, August 1st, Friday, August 2nd, Saturday, August 3rd and Sunday, August 4th.
In closing, the BPS wishes everyone an enjoyable Cup Match holiday weekend.
However, in order for the holiday to be fun it must be safe. Therefore, we are asking for the public’s cooperation in adhering to all Cup Match holiday weekend safety notifications, while encouraging residents to use the roads wisely and to refrain from activities that will hamper the efforts that have gone into making this a safe and festive period.
Ms. Susan C. Hill Davidson, Environmental Senior Health Officer – Environmental Health have worked closely with the SGCC and other agencies to ensure environmental health conditions and health ansafety risks are minimized to ensure a safe event.
Our Environmental Health team will be present both days, monitoring the following:
Food Safety:
Food vendors have all received training and stalls will be licensed to ensure acceptable food safety standards.
Attendees are asked to be vigilant when purchasing from stallholders to ensure they are maintaining hygienic working practices.
Safe Water & Ice:
Samples have been taken ahead of time and conditions will be monitored throughout the event.
We have worked closely with the SGCC and Department of Planning to ensure a sufficient number of bathroom facilities including disability accessible units.
A robust maintenance plan is in place and the public are asked to maintain them in a clean and healthy condition when using.
Solid Waste:
A trash handling plan has been approved and should ensure frequent trash removal.
Please assist by using the receptacles provided in a responsible manner.
Scaffolding Safety:
Extensive planning and inspections have been conducted, working closely with the Club, scaffolding contractor and Department of Planning to ensure safe structures for all attendees.
The scaffolding has been inspected and approved by an independent engineer and each camp or section will be tagged with approved occupancy and load limits to ensure safety.
Please abide by these limits, which will be monitored by security and adhere to rules on no BBQs, heat sources or open flames in camps to keep everyone safe.
Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences (or near misses)
We ask that any accidents or near misses be reported so that we may investigate as necessary and work on a continual improvement policy for Cup Match and similar future events.
Please report any unsafe conditions you see, so that they may be rectified by our onsite team as quickly as possible.
Thanks to everyone and particularly SGCC, food vendors and the public for your co-operation.
Mr. Dean Parris, Operations Manager Bermuda Hospitals Board – Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) is proud to join with other emergency response services to provide standby cover during one of the island’s largest annual celebrations. King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) is the only hospital providing acute and emergency care to the Bermuda community.
BHB staff will coordinate with the St. John Ambulance team to monitor, assess, stabilise and transfer medical cases as needed. The BHB team will have the ability to escalate the medical management of all cases through close coordination and communication with staff at KEMH and to switch to major incident mode if the need arises.
BHB’s self-contained medical tenting system will be used at the cricket grounds.
In addition, the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre will be open from 4pm to midnight on Cup Match Thursday and Friday for assessment and treatment of urgent but minor illnesses and injuries, such as sprains, scrapes, cuts, bumps and bruises. Those who have an injury or illness that is serious or potentially life threatening should call 911 or go straight to the KEMH Emergency Department.
Bermuda Road Safety Council Board Members Cup Match Statement
The Chairman and board members of the Bermuda Road Safety Council extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of 19 year old Talundae Grant, who tragically lost his life in a motorcycle crash early Saturday morning.
While not speaking in relation to last Saturday’s fatal rash, the Bermuda Road Safety Council would like to remind the motoring public of its responsibility to adhere to and uphold all road traffic laws. We must remember that it is a privilege and not a right to use the roads. If we each take responsibility and accountability for our actions on the roads, we can continue to improve our driving habits.
As we approach the Cup Match holiday we want to encourage the public to think smart. If you’re going to consume alcohol, don’t drink and drive. There are options to choose from, instead of being irresponsible and driving under the influence. We implore those that drink to have an alternate plan to get home. Taxis, minibuses, designated drivers, HomeSafe are some options to choose from.
The Council has seen a change in driving habits since the introduction of Roadside Sobriety Checkpoints. First off we commend the Bermuda Police Service for the job they do in keeping our roads safe. The effect that the Roadside Checkpoints have had, has been a positive one and we want this to continue in assisting changing behaviours.
Again, we encourage the public to be responsible and not drink and drive. Enjoy the holiday time with friends and family and best of luck to both Somerset and St. George’s.