At 4pm Friday, March 15th the Passing Out Parade for Recruit Foundation Course 79 took place at Police Headquarters in Prospect, Devonshire. In attendance at the ceremony were several dignitaries including:
His Excellency, The Governor, Mr. John Rankin CMG
Minister of National Security the Hon. Wayne M. Caines JP MP
United States Consul General, Mrs. Constance M. Dierman
Permanent Secretary for National Security, Mr. Collingwood Anderson
Commanding Officer of the Royal Bermuda Regiment, Lt. Col. David Curley ED
Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr. Larry D. Mussenden
Chief Fire Officer, Mr. Lloyd Burchall, Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service
Acting Commissioner of Corrections, Ms. Keeva Joell-Benjamin
Police Complaints Authority Chairman, Mr. Jeffrey Elkinson
Commandant of the Bermuda Reserve Police, Ms. Sandra Beach
Police Chaplain, Reverend Dr. Kevin Santucci
Ms. Verna Perinchief and Ms. Erica Smith (on behalf of the Freeman family)
Twelve Constables were on parade, accompanied by the Bermuda Island Pipe Band under the command of Pipe Sergeant Aidan Stones. They were led by the Parade Commander and Drill Instructor Sergeant Derrick Golding.
The newest members of the Bermuda Police Service are:
Constable 2535 Wanay Bartley
Constable 2536 Anthony Fernandes
Constable 2537 Noah Harvey
Constable 2538 Justin Hunt
Constable 2539 Daniel Sanna
Constable 2540 Ryan Saraiva
Constable 2541 Thomas Simons
Constable 2542 William Simpson
Constable 2543 Kayla Smith
Constable 2544 Ryan Swan
Constable 2545 Kieran Swann
Constable 2546 Marcus Uddin
There were several awards presented during the ceremony. The awards and recipients were:
Athletic Awards - The Instructors Cup is an award that is given to the fastest male and female officer over the International 10 kilometre or 6 mile Flatts road running course.
The Instructors Cup was presented to Constable Kayla Smith for the fastest time of 59 minutes and 10 seconds in the female category.
The Instructors Cup was presented to Constable Ryan Swan for the fastest time of 44 minutes and 52 seconds in the male category.
All Round Athlete & Physical Fitness Awards
Constable Wanay Bartley (female).
Constable Ryan Swan (male).
Deputy Commissioner’s Cup – This award is for the best effort on the course and the officer who has made the most significant progress.
Awarded to Constable Anthony Fernandes.
Charitable Presentation – It is a tradition of each Recruit Foundation Course to raise money in aid of a charity of their choice. All members of RFC 79 decided that the Freeman family would be this year’s recipient – to assist with the medical care of baby Iziah Freeman. Baby Iziah has been diagnosed with the rare Costello Syndrome and both his parents are serving members of the Bermuda Police Service.
A cheque for $1,400 was presented to Ms. Verna Perinchief and Ms. Erica Smith. The money was raised during a car wash held by RFC 79.
Academic Award – Awarded to Constable Kayla Smith, who achieved an overall test average of 95.16% over 19 exams.
Commissioner’s Shield – Awarded to Red Syndicate led by Sergeant Derrick Golding; consisting of Constable Ryan Saraiva, Constable Noah Harvey, Constable Daniel Sanna, Constable Kayla Smith, Constable Ryan Swan and Constable Marcus Uddin.
The award was collected by Constable Ryan Saraiva.
Baton of Honour – Awarded to Constable Ryan Swan, who was selected as the most distinguished student officer by the Training Centre staff.
On behalf of the Commissioner of Police Mr. Stephen Corbishley, the men & women of the Bermuda Police Service would like to congratulate and welcome these twelve new officers into the Bermuda Police Service family.
