Chief Inspector Arthur Glasford - “The conviction and sentencing of David Minors represents a win for victims of sexual assault everywhere. The impact of these actions on vulnerable people in our community can only be regarded as callous and reprehensible. People who abuse their position of trust to prey on vulnerable members of our society should take note that the police and criminal justice system are here to help, and we will work to obtain justice – as has been done in this case.
In a small community, it can be challenging for victims to feel supported enough that they will come forward and report a sexual assault to the police - but the Bermuda Police Service has demonstrated that members of our community can speak up, will be listened to and we will get justice for you.
Whilst we will not comment on the specifics of the case, we take comfort in recognising that the criminal justice system has worked for someone who was abused by someone in a position of significant trust, and the court's sentence reflects how dimly these actions are viewed. We hope that this will spur other persons who may have fallen prey to similar conduct to come forward and speak up against their abusers. We are here and the Bermuda Police Service is ready to listen.” |