The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) held an informational session with Liquor Licenced Establishments (LLEs) yesterday, Thursday 7th of February 2019 at the Police Recreation Club Hall in Prospect Devonshire. This meeting was to discuss the Liquor Licence Legislation and police expectations of licenced premises based on that legislation. It was also a good opportunity to establish and continue to promote a working partnership with the police. Licensees had the occasion to put forth questions or concerns they had in relation to the closing down of their business. The meeting was well attended with over 40 persons on hand representing establishments in the central parishes. Representing the police was Superintendent James Howard, Sergeant Andrew Exell (the BPS Liquor Licensing Officer) and facilitator Chief Inspector Robert Cardwell.
Time was taken to explain Section 51A of the Liquor Licence Act, the specific authority that the police have to close down premises and how that authority is exercised. Critical conversations were had around the obligations licensees had in relation to the Act. Police also touched on the topics of drug use and underage drinking on liquor licenced premises.
Superintendent Howard stated: “Thursday’s meeting was a great opportunity for the police to meet with the liquor licenced establishment owners and to set the tone for what the BPS expects based on the legislation. Just as important was an opportunity to establish a holistic working relationship with the establishment owners. It is very clear that the LLEs are committed to making their environments safe and compliant with the legislation. There was a lot of positive energy in the room and the mood of the LLEs was very reassuring as many persons came with an open mind. They are very much aware that my focus is on those few persons who choose to promote anti-social behaviour and where there is a high risk of threat or harm to other persons within the community or within their establishments. It was stated by one of the persons in the room that they support the initiative and that they are ‘In It To Win It!’ We acknowledged that there is still work to be done on both sides and I look forward to a healthy working relationship where ultimately the community is the beneficiary.”
The police will be conducting meetings in the eastern and western ends of the island in coming weeks and we look forward to communicating with the stakeholders in those environments. For any comments or questions surrounding liquor licenced premises please do not hesitate in contacting the Liquor Licensing Officer Sergeant Andrew Exell on 247-1146 or email |