

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Tuesday, October 30,2018
Distribution: All Media

Deborah Corbishley Supports BPS Cancer Awareness Initiative

Deborah Corbishley, Wife of the Commissioner of Police - I wholeheartedly support the Bermuda Police Service’s message to increase breast cancer awareness. Other businesses have been doing the same. People may ask why so much publicity when there are other illnesses people suffer from.

The reason is one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. This means it is very likely someone you know will be facing this disease. It can be due to a number of lifestyle factors such as alcohol, obesity, hereditary to name but a few, some of which we can personally identify with.

And this does not just affect women but men also need to be fully aware of the symptoms and checks they need to carry out. I sadly had a friend who passed away due to breast cancer and experienced the sadness it left behind. We are all busy people with busy lifestyles and it is easy for us when we find an abnormality in our bodies to put off from seeing the doctor but don’t.

My Aunty was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 and fought it, my cousin, her daughter was diagnosed a few years later only in her twenties fought it and although suffered a second case is still with us today. My Aunty had a double mastectomy and my cousin a mastectomy. They are both in the clear and loving life with a whole new perspective. That should be the perspective we should all have at the beginning and look after ourselves and one another everyday.

I asked my cousin, who is now a mother to two gorgeous toddlers, what would be the message she would send and she said, “The message I would give to people is to stay strong and keep a positive attitude. Breast cancer treatment has one of the highest success rates and medical research is advancing so quickly that hopefully soon there will be a cure.”   

Don’t be afraid. Recognise the symptoms. Get early advice. You can and will beat this disease.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department