Superintendent Sean Field Lament – Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Thank you for joining us once again for the latest investigative update on the death of 19 year old Mark Dombroski.
Before I begin, I would like to repeat our condolences to the Dombroski family and we empathise with them at this difficult time.
I can report that on Wednesday, March 21st 2018 an independent forensic pathologist Dr. Christopher Milroy of Ottawa, Canada arrived on island and conducted a formal autopsy of the deceased.
Dr. Christopher Milroy:
is the Director of Forensic Pathology in Ottawa.
has consulted with Scotland Yard and has almost three decades of experience as a forensic pathologist.
has conducted over 5,000 autopsies in his career.
Dr. Milroy has agreed to be present today and will speak further to his findings.
Dr. Milroy – Good Afternoon. I was instructed by the Senior Coroner for Bermuda to conduct this post mortem examination.
As a forensic pathologist I did a very detailed analysis, which is what we do when we have a death where the circumstances are unclear.
My conclusions from my examination are that Mark died from a fall, from a height.
I found no evidence of foul play in my post mortem examination.
So, that was a summary of what I was able to identify from that examination, which I conducted yesterday (March 21st).
Superintendent Sean Field-Lament – I would just like to reiterate some of the key points of our ongoing investigation into the death of Mark Dombroski.
Mark was last seen at 1:30am Sunday, March 18th at the top of Alexandra Road, Devonshire.
He was alone and in possession of his belongings.
That is the only activity that we have evidence of around that time in that neighbourhood.
At 4pm Monday, March 19th after a coordinated search, Mark’s body was found in the dry moat of Fort Prospect, Devonshire at the base of a 35 foot cliff.
I can state that at the top of this cliff there is a 6 foot tall wire mesh fence and behind that fence is a sloped ledge of approximately 4 feet.
We continue to forensically examine that scene in order to exhaust all sources of information.
At present we are not in possession of evidence that would indicate any foul play.
We continue to follow up all investigative leads and are working with the FBI on certain aspects of the case – in particular overseas witnesses and forensic opportunities around Mark’s cell phone.
In closing, we continue to appeal for witnesses that were in the Alexandra Road, Devonshire area between 1:30am Sunday, March 18th and 4pm Monday, March 19th to contact the Senior Investigating Officer Acting Inspector Karema Flood by telephone on 717-2086, by e-mail at – or anyone with any information can contact the anonymous and confidential Crime Stoppers hotline 800-8477.