

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Friday, November 24,2017
Distribution: All Media

Traffic Advisory for MarketPlace Santa Claus Parade

The motoring public is reminded that the annual MarketPlace Christmas Parade will take place in the City of Hamilton on Sunday 26th November 2017, commencing at 5pm from the corner of Par-La-Ville Road and Church Street.

Church Street will remain open to eastbound traffic between Par-La-Ville Road and Parliament Street to facilitate access to the MarketPlace until the parade commences.

The Parade Route

The route will be as follows: Exit Par-La-Ville car park and left onto Church Street; south on Par-La-Ville Road; east along Front Street, north on Court Street, west on Church Street as far as the junction with Par-La-Ville Road, where the floats will disperse.

Accordingly, the following traffic diversions and parking restrictions will be in effect.

The full traffic notice can be found online at: http://www.cityofhamilton.bm/Traffic_Notice_2017___Market_Place_Christmas_Parade.pdf

No Parking from 6am

Parking will be prohibited in No. 5 car park (except for the disabled and senior citizens), and No.1 car park and along the above route from 12 noon.

No Parking from 12 noon

Parking will also be prohibited from 12 noon at the following locations:

Par-La-Ville car park

Front Street between Bermudiana Road and King Street

Par-La-Ville Road between Front Street and Serpentine Road

Wesley Street between Church Street and Victoria Street

Victoria Street between Dismont Drive and Wesley Street

No Parking from 3pm

Reid Street

Queen Street

No Parking from 4:30pm

Church Street between Burnaby Street and Parliament Street

Sections of Roads Closed

From 3pm for parade assembly, until the parade has passed by:

Par-La-Ville Road between Church Street and Front Street

Par-La-Ville Road between Church Street and Serpentine Road

Wesley Street between Church Street and Victoria Street


From 4pm until parade has passed by:

Front Street between Bermudiana Road and King Street

Reid Street between Queen Street and King Street

Queen Street between Front Street and Church Street

Burnaby Street between Front Street and Victoria Street

Parliament Street between Front Street and Church Street

Court Street between Front Street and Victoria Street

King Street between Front Street and Reid Street

Church Street between Par-La-Ville Road and King Street

Gorham Road between Bermudiana Road and Woodbourne Avenue


In addition, traffic will be permitted to travel south and north on King Street, between Reid Street and Victoria Street, after 4pm until the parade is over.

There will be no access to King Street between Front Street and Reid Street, as that section of road will be closed until the parade passes by.

Persons parking their vehicles on Reid Street before 4pm will be permitted to move their cars once the parade has turned onto Court Street, but will be diverted south on Queen Street to Front Street.

No access from Queen Street to Church Street will be permitted until after all the floats have left the area.

Vehicles wishing to drive through the City are advised to travel up Spurling Hill rather than along Front Street after 4pm.

Motorists entering the City from the direction of Pitts Bay Road will be diverted up Woodbourne Avenue.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department