

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Tuesday, August 01,2017
Distribution: All Media

Cup Match Policing Plan 2017

Cup Match Comments from Superintendent Darrin Simons

The annual Cup Match holiday is a significant time in Bermuda. It provides the opportunity as a community to come together to celebrate our heritage and enjoy the festive spirit. Traditionally the majority of Bermuda’s residents focus on the actual two days of cricket. However from a policing perspective the BPS has implemented a comprehensive policing plan which runs between Wednesday August 2nd through to Sunday 6th August 2017.  During that period there will be approximately 20 events taking place on both land and sea. Some of these events will attract crowds of people numbering in the thousands.

The Bermuda Police Service will have approximately 70 officers deployed over the holiday period who will be supported by the Bermuda Reserve Police and soldiers from the Royal Bermuda Regiment. The police will be conducting high visibility patrols and community engagement throughout this period in an effort to increase community safety and reduce problems associated with antisocial behaviour.

We recognize there is a small, but determined group of individuals who, sadly, are intent on disrupting the peace and tranquillity of our island. The policing aim is to reduce opportunities for these types of disturbances to occur. We need the public’s help. We need the public to be vigilant. If you see something say something. Anyone who is acting in a dangerous and or suspicious manner please call us and let us know what’s going on.

Always be aware of the distribution and consumption of alcohol, as historically alcohol has been a major contributing factor in many of the disturbances we have seen. Persons, who are hosting events whether large or small, are responsible for those events are managed.  Please take into consideration the age, psychological and physical state of individuals who are consuming alcohol and most importantly always be aware of your environment.

From a public safety perspective the police will be patrolling on both land and sea, conducting routine patrol and traffic enforcement initiatives.

We will also provide a high visibility presence at various public events during the holiday period in support of organizers to deliver safe, and as far as practicable, trouble free events.

On Thursday August 3rd there will be a visible police presence at Horseshoe Bay Beach and again at Mangrove Bay during the Non Mariners race on Sunday August 6th to reduce opportunities and minimize the risk of antisocial behaviour occurring, provide an appropriate police response to any unlawful incidents and to provide reassurance to the local community, as well as to those attending these events.

I take this opportunity to wish all of Bermuda a Safe and fun filled Cup Match Holiday.

Traffic Advisory  for St. Georges Cricket Club

A Traffic Order has been granted by the Ministry of Public Works authorising the Bermuda Police Service to restrict vehicle access to Wellington Slip Road during the two days of Cup Match. The traffic restrictions will be in place from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on both days of Cup Match.

To accommodate residents who reside in the neighbourhoods off Wellington Slip Road the following protocols will be in place:

Residents will be required to show proof that they reside in the area i.e. Driver’s Licence.

Residents who are expecting guests to arrive after the 9:00 a.m. closure will be required to meet their guest at the entrance to Wellington Slip Road and upon showing of their D/L, their guest will be able to travel beyond the road barrier to their residence.

Persons who have purchased pre-paid parking at Myers Boat Yard will be required to display a valid sticker obtained from Myers Boat Yard authorising parking on their property.

Whilst the BPS understand that the closure or restriction of vehicular access to Wellington Slip Road will cause some inconvenience to residents, these measures have been put in place to ensure that Wellington Slip Road remains free of vehicular obstructions should there be an incident that requires the attendance of emergency services.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department