

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Thursday, June 01,2017
Distribution: All Media

Joint Press Conference: BPS & Bermuda Water Safety Council

Inspector Robert Cardwell – We are just about at the end of the first week of America’s Cup races. The associated excitement to this spectacular event we expect to increase as we approach weeks of elimination races and then finals.

The Bermuda Police Service has put in place significant policing plans not only for the America’s Cup but also Island wide to ensure peace is maintained and ensuring public safety is foremost. In order to be successful we need the full cooperation of the entire Bermuda community.

I am extremely pleased to report that the Bermuda Police Service has received the full cooperation of the general public policing the America’s Cup event. Our service partners in H.M. Customs Bermuda and the Royal Bermuda Regiment, WEDCO and our friends acting as America’s Cup volunteers are reporting the same.

I am the Commander of both Roads Policing and Marine Policing Units. Roads and Marine Policing plans have been executed and everything is going to plan. We expected marine traffic on Bermuda’s inshore waterways and on the roads particularly in the west end to increase significantly and that has come into play.

A number of Traffic Notices have been put in place for the motoring public.

This includes a Traffic Notice restricting access to Dockyard for private cars.  Between 10:30am and 3pm only persons in possession of accreditation issued by either ACBDA or WEDCO are able to pass a Bermuda Regiment sentry who is stationed at the junction of Malabar Road and Heydon Road. Any member of the public wishing to attend any business, store or restaurant within Dockyard will be vetted for access. Once parking within Dockyard is full there will be no further access permitted.

A second Traffic Notice is in place to convert Heydon Road from a two way road into a one way road. This is to allow drivers who are not permitted entry into Dockyard by the Bermuda Regiment sentry a place to turn around via the one-way system.

A third Traffic Notice is in place to reduce speed from 35kph to 25kph on all the roads immediately preceding the entrance to Dockyard. This includes Malabar Road, Cockburn Road and Cochrane Road. This speed limit reduction has also been applied to the entire length of Pender Road to the gates giving entry to Dockyard. Signs have been clearly erected informing road users of this speed reduction. The motoring public travelling on any of these roads need to have a heightened awareness of the expected pedestrian foot traffic and we have seen this being exercised.

The public attending the America’s Cup village on Cross Island are encouraged to make use of the increased ferry lift to the village and to Dockyard. The motoring public is advised that designated parking has been provided at Boaz Island Sports Field, Sandys Secondary Field, West End Primary Field, Warren Simmons Field and Somerset Primary Field.

Tickets to park at any of these designated parking areas can be purchased for $25 on-line or for $30 at the any of the fields. The parking ticket purchased also includes the Mini Bus ride from any of the fields to the America’s Cup village and a return to the field on departure.

All normal parking restrictions in all other areas within Boaz Island will be strictly enforced. Vehicles left in a dangerous manner will be towed and impounded.

Likewise, to assist in the safety and management of the increased marine traffic and to facilitate the America’s Cup races several Notices to Mariners have been issued.

Notices to Mariners are in effect temporary legislation and it is an offence to disobey a Notice to Mariners. 

The Notices to Mariners issued includes:

No person shall approach within 60 meters of any AC35 race yacht at any time while they are moored in the Dockyard South Basin.

The established race course which will be marked by buoys is closed to all marine traffic between 10:30am and 5:00pm on each day of races. America’s Cup race course volunteer Marshals who are clearly identifiable will be on-hand to ensure the race course remains sterile and to assist and direct mariners to their designated viewing area.

All mariners, pilots and boatmen within any of the permitted viewing areas during the race must prominently display an America’s Cup flag, and must remain within the authorized designated viewing area that corresponds with the ACEA flag issued.

The designated viewing areas within the Great Sound are 5 knot and no wake areas. When moving around in these areas extreme caution is to be exercised.

The Dockyard South Basin is a restricted area – the boating public is not permitted access into the South Basin until after 30th June, 2017.      

Vessels intending on entering the Dockyard camber must make contact with the Camber manager on VHF channel 77 – call sign “Dockyard Traffic” to obtain the necessary permission and to receive instructions. A separation scheme has been put in place for vessels intending to enter or exit the Dockyard North Basin. This separation scheme has been marked by buoys within the entrance. Vessels are required to keep to the right of the separation scheme buoys.

The speed limit within Hamilton Harbour has been reduced to 10 knots from a line extending south from Saltus Island to Spectacle Island and from there south-east to Musson Point. This Notice has caught many vessel operators off guard. In layman’s terms if you are in Hamilton Harbour your speed should not exceed 10 knots and should be under 5 knots with no wake as per normal if passing any vessel that is docked.

The Bermuda Police Service thanks the entire community for what we have experienced to date and we hope to stay on this course to ensure the America’s Cup event can continue to be enjoyed by all in the safest possible environment whether on the water, on the roads or in the America’s Cup Village.

Mr. Ralph Richardson, Chairman, Bermuda Water Safety Council - The Bermuda Water Safety Could would like to wish everyone a safe a pleasant summer. 

We would be remiss if we did not give a general reminder of the safety considerations for everyone on the water this summer.

Please be careful to follow safety rules whenever on or near the water:

Remember to watch little children when near the water either at the seaside on at the pool.

Always ensure that you have the proper safety gear aboard your boat.

Avoid driving with little children on the bow of the boat.

When operating a small boat at speed, always use a kill switch to shut the engine off if you fall overboard.

Do not dive in shallow water.

This year Bermuda has the great privilege of hosting the world’s premier sailing event, the America’s Cup.  It is expected that over 300 visiting yachts and super-yachts with grace our shores, many for the first time.  We are also aware that hundreds of local boaters will be operating vessels for the first time this summer.  

We would like offer a few safety suggestions as they relate to the America’s Cup event:

The AC vessels will be practicing in the Great Sound - please use caution and stay well clear of these very fast vessels during practice period.

If you are a new boater, please learn the rules to avoid collisions (termed Rules of the Road).

AC marshals will control the perimeters of the AC race course.  They will give directions to all vessels - please follow their directions.

The Red Bull Youth America’s Cup teams will be practicing in the Little Sound, just to the south of Morgan’s Point and the Caroline Bay Marina - Please ensure that you are well clear of the Red Bull vessels whilst they are practicing in the area.

With hundreds of vessels expected to be in the spectator area during the races, please remember to observe the 5 knot / no wake zone when in that area.

Remember that, due to the high number of boats in the spectator areas, we suggested swimming should be avoided there.

We trust that everyone will take advantage of this great spectacle for the month of June.  Enjoy the AC35 events and remember to stay safe.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department