Detective Chief Inspector Nicholas Pedro, Organised & Economic Crime Department - In the Supreme Court on Monday (May 1st) a 48 year old Pembroke man pleaded guilty to charges relating to ‘Removing the proceeds of criminal conduct from Bermuda, Removing Criminal Property from Bermuda, Converting Criminal Property, and Possessing Criminal Proceeds (Cash) – all offences under the Proceeds of Crime Act 1997.
Abdullah Hussain Ali-Virgil was arrested on 22nd August, 2016, when detectives from the Organised & Economic Crime Department became aware of financial transactions being conducted by Mr. Ali-Virgil. Acting swiftly, they found him on the premises of a local bank in possession of cash in excess of $10,000.
An investigation determined that he had conducted a variety of transactions involving cash derived from criminal activity in excess of $217,000 which led to these charges, on behalf of another man engaged in criminal conduct.
Pleading guilty Monday, Mr. Ali-Virgil was remanded to prison, where he will remain until sentencing by the Supreme Court.
The Bermuda Police Service is working diligently to combat the ability of organised crime to launder dirty money through Bermuda’s financial system.
Organised crime is growing in sophistication, with criminals adopting new and advanced means to benefit from criminal conduct. We are adapting and recent cases highlight our ability and determination to target criminals by all legal and appropriate means.
Members of the public should be aware that they should not accept offers to conduct financial transactions on behalf of other persons – especially where they are not satisfied they know the monies come from legitimate and legal sources.
If you have any questions, or are aware of money laundering activity, you can call the independent and anonymous Crime Stoppers hotline on 800-8477 (TIPS) or the Organised & Economic Crime Department of the Bermuda Police Service and speak with one of our financial crime detectives on 247-1757. |