The below answer in blue is in response to Royal Gazette questions regarding potential protest action on February 3rd 2017.
January 22, 2017
Q: I am writing a piece about the potential for another protest on February 3. I am looking for comment from the BPS on whether it has any plans to warn potential demonstrators of the offences they could be committing if they attempt to block Parliament? If any plan is in place for this, can you share any details?
Can the Commissioner comment on whether the BPS considered issuing such warnings in the days prior to December 2? No such warnings did come from the police in the days leading up to the event (i.e. from November 30, when the op order was prepared) – can the COP say why?
Can he comment on what police at the scene did to warn people about the offences they could be committing? Have any files been passed to the DPP by the BPS regarding individuals who may have breached the Parliament Act by blocking Parliament?
A: The police are developing plans for the 3rd of February when the House of Assembly resumes that will include provisions to allow peaceful protests to take place, should any be held on that day. They will also enable the business of the House of Assembly to be conducted normally. The BPS will share the plans with the public in advance of the next sitting of the House. |