The MarketPlace Santa Claus Parade is scheduled to take place in the City of Hamilton on Sunday, November 27th starting at 5pm. The following traffic advisories and parking restrictions will be in effect for the event.
From 3pm until the end of the parade Par-La-Ville Road between Front Street and Serpentine Road will be closed to vehicular traffic.
From 4pm until the end of the parade the following areas will be closed to vehicular traffic:
Front Street between Bermudiana Road and King Street. Reid Street between Queen Street and King Street. Queen Street between Front Street and Church Street. Burnaby Street between Front Street and Church Street. Parliament Street between Front Street and Victoria Street.
Court Street between Front Street and Victoria Street.
Church Street between Par-La-Ville Road and Court Street (vehicles will only be allowed to travel beyond the junction of Church Street and Burnaby Street to attend MarketPlace until 4:30pm).
Two-Way Traffic on King Street
From 4pm until the conclusion of the parade or otherwise directed, King Street between Reid Street and Church Street will operate as a two-way thoroughfare.
Parking Restrictions
Number 5 Car Park (Flag Pole) will be closed to all vehicles from 6am Sunday.
Par-La-Ville Car Park will be closed to all vehicles from 6am Sunday.
From 12 noon Sunday vehicles will not be permitted to park along the following streets:
Par-La-Ville Road – between Front Street and Serpentine Road.
Front Street – between Par-La-Ville Road and Court Street.
Court Street – between Front Street and Church Street.
Church Street – between Par-La-Ville Road and Court Street.
From 4:30pm Sunday vehicles will not be permitted to park along the following streets:
Reid Street – between Court Street and Queen Street.
Queen Street – between Front Street and Church Street.