Superintendent Darrin Simons - Over the Christmas holiday there have been a number of significant incidents, a tragic road traffic fatality (7th this year), a shooting, as well as a robbery. It is in this context that I wish to advise the public of the BPS plans to police the New Year's events.
You can expect to see a highly visible police presence engaging with the community. Our intention is to reassure public as well as prevent incidents of antisocial behavior around the many parties and functions that are planned.
We will have groups of officers in St. Georges and the Hamilton City Centre in particular. As it relates to St. Georges please be reminded that the Swing Bridge is limited to one lane and there are traffic lights governing the flow. You will need to factor extra travel time in your plans. Also, new this year is the Court St function and there are road closures in effect from 6AM. While attending any of the events please be sure to comply with the instructions of any security staff or police officer; they are there for your safety.
Another important aim is to calm the roads and make travel safer. I ask the motoring public to assist us by driving responsibly and adhering to the speed limit. Without a doubt: speed kills. Another emphasis will be placed on impaired driving. I remind the public of one of CADA's key messages ABCD - Always use bus, cab, or designated driver. If you drink, don't drive. The decisions you make can be life altering and the life you save just might be your own.
Working in partnerships with the BFA, local sporting clubs and their safety staff, we will be present during the soccer matches that are played on New Year's day.
In closing, during this holiday period, we will also be using call takers to process non- emergency calls over the phone. We aim to continue to provide a quality service while balancing the need to maintain high numbers of officers patrolling the streets. Be assured, however, that any emergency calls will be met with and emergency response.
On behalf of the Commissioner of Police, the staff and officers of the Bermuda Police Service, I wish each and every member of our community a safe and happy New Year.