

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Tuesday, December 29,2015
Distribution: All Media

Press Conference: Police Update On Christmas Holiday Weekend Incidents

In a press conference held earlier today, Supt. Sean Field-Lament updated the media on police related incidents, which took place over the Christmas holiday weekend.

At the same press conference, Acting Det. Insp. Jason Smith issued a statement followed by an appeal for witnesses regarding the shooting incident, which took place last night [28-Dec] in the St Monica’s Road Pembroke area. Their full statements can be read below.

 Supt. Sean Field-Lament - Good afternoon. Unfortunately I have to report that the festive weekend was marred by several serious incidents of note.  Firstly I wish to extend the BPS condolences to the family of Phillip Benjamin James who succumbed to his injuries following a serious road traffic collision at 6:22 pm Saturday 26th December 2015, Middle Rd junction with Khyber Pass Warwick. Police are investigating the accident and are appealing for witnesses to contact the Road Policing Unit.  This is the seventh road fatality of the year.  In addition police are investigating a five vehicle Collison that took place around 1:20 pm on Saturday the 26th of December 2015 on South Road near the junction with Belvedere Drive in Devonshire.  The accident left a 23 year old Pembroke man with serious injuries. Police are again appealing for witnesses to assist with the police investigation into the accident.  I would remind all road users to drive responsibly and safely- in particular keep your speed down.

 At 6:07 pm on Saturday 26th December 2015 there was an armed robbery at the Indian Grill at Warwick Workmen’s club. Police responded quickly and managed to engage the subject in a short vehicle chase. The vehicle was dropped and the suspect made good his escape. The suspect is described as a young medium built male approximately 5’2” to 5’5” tall wearing dark clothing, black helmet with visor, black gloves and a green clothe around his face. There are active lines of enquiry being pursued. Police are appealing for anyone with information or witnessed the incident to contact Criminal Investigation Unit.

 Lastly approximately 10:05 p.m. on Monday the 28th day of December, 2015, the Bermuda Police Service attended a report of a shooting in the St. Monica’s Road, Pembroke area.  A 34 year old Pembroke man was found lying at the junction of Bishop Spencer Road and Palmetto Road. The victim had non-life threatening gunshot injuries to his lower body. He was transported to the King Edward Memorial Hospital where he is being treated. This incident, which appears to be gang related, marks the sixth time that a person has been shot this year. The shooting is being treated as an attempted murder investigation which is headed by a senior investigating officer, Acting Detective Inspector Jason Smith. ADI Smith will provide further details of the incident.

 I would take this time to reassure the public that the Bermuda Police is doing all it can to bring the perpetrators to justice and to once again appeal for the community to rally and support our efforts. If you know something…say something. Any information that you have will be treated in confidence. You can call us on 247-1739 or the confidential crime stoppers hotline at 800-8477.   


Acting Insp. Jason Smith- Approximately 10:05 p.m. on Monday the 28th day of December, 2015, the Bermuda Police Service received several calls via the 911 system reporting gun-shots heard in the St Monica’s Road area. E.M.S. and police personnel were summonsed and on their arrival discovered the victim a 34 years old Pembroke man, lying in a collapsed state on the grass verge at the junction with Bishop Spencer Road and Palmetto Road junction. Police enquiries ascertained that the victim was shot on St. Monica’s. After being shot, the victim ran to get away from the shooter. The victim was attended to and transported to the King Edward Memorial Hospital where he was treated for non-life threatening gunshot injuries to his lower body.

 The victim remains in the hospital and is recovering from his injuries and is expected to make a full recovery. Fortunately, it would appear that a life has been saved.

 This incident marks the sixth time that a person has been shot this year. This is six times too many. The investigation into this shooting is being treated as an attempt murder investigation, which is headed by me along with other members of the Serious Crime Unit. The investigation is being driven by the support of CCTV Footage and to date several witnesses have come forward with information to assist.  We do know that there were several persons in the area of the shooting on St. Monica’s Road that witnessed same. We also are aware that there were several persons on Palmetto Road and Bishop Spencer Road at the time of this shooting and members of the motoring public that were travelling along Palmetto Road. We want to hear from you. We want to know if you observed the victim running along the road and/or any suspicious vehicles and or any suspicious activity.

 The victim is not known to the Bermuda Police Service to have any gang affiliations. However, intelligence received suggests that this may be a gang related shooting in retaliation to a previous incident.

This shooting is an act of unscrupulous, callous and cowardly men. The Bermuda Police Service is calling on all in our community to do our part in stemming this flow of gang violence and senseless shootings. We all need to do our part in making Bermuda a safer place and if you have any information that can assist in bringing these perpetrators to justice we would like to hear from you. We would also like to assure the community that we are taking this matter seriously and dedicating the necessary resources to maintain law and order in the community.

 Any information that you have will be treated in strict confidence and you can call us on 247-1739 or the confidential Crime Stoppers hotline at 800-8477.


All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department