Superintendent Darrin Simons – Good Morning. The Bermuda Police Service wishes to take this opportunity to advise the public on a number of matters to ensure a peaceful and safe time during this year’s Heritage Day holiday weekend.
The purpose of this press conference is to share with the community the general policing plan. As you are aware, this weekend marks the unofficial start to summertime activities on the water. Therefore, along with the Bermuda Reserve Police, there will be a visible law enforcement presence on our waterways.
We would like to remind the boating public to ensure that their vessels are registered; that a current 2015 decal is prominently displayed on the starboard side of the vessel; that all required safety equipment is on board; and that they are carrying enough fuel for the intended journey.
It is also recommended that boaters file a float plan and certainly so, if they intend to go offshore. (Bermuda Radio)
Members of the boating public should always exercise care and caution around other vessels and be on the lookout for swimmers. Speed is an issue not only in maritime collisions, but in the general nuisance factor that is experienced by boaters at anchor near the shoreline. To that end, the 5 knot – no wake areas will be strictly enforced in order to calm the marine traffic.
We also encourage that persons do not mix any use of alcohol with power-boat operating or sailing.
This year, after an absence of 37 years, the annual Bermuda Day Half Marathon Running Race will start in St. George’s Parish and finish in the City of Hamilton. The Bermuda Bicycle Association will also run their race from St. George’s and similarly will finish in the City of Hamilton. As a result, there will be new race routes and road closures in place to facilitate the races.
As in previous years, the Bermuda Police Service and the race organisers will have officers and marshals positioned along the route. They are there to minimise risks to all road users, especially the cyclists and runners. We are asking the motoring public to fully cooperate with any direction given by them and to familiarize yourselves with the new race route and the times that the roads will be closed. We all need to do our best to ensure there are no collisions with race participants as that could lead to serious injury or death.
On Monday morning, the roads along the race route will close at 8:30 in the morning.
Therefore persons who are travelling on morning flights out of the L.F. Wade International Airport need to be sure they are at the airport by 8am.
The roads will be opened when it is deemed safe to do so and delays up to an hour and a half or more should be expected.
The routes for the races are as follows:
Sinclair Packwood Memorial Race (Cycle):
Start (8:50am): York Street – Mullet Bay Road, Kindley Field Road, The Causeway, Blue Hole Hill, North Shore Road (Hamilton Parish), Middle Road (Smith’s and Devonshire Parishes), Cavendish Road, Reid Street, left onto Court Street, right onto Front Street, Queen Street, Church Street, Cedar Avenue (finish).
Bermuda Day Half Marathon (Running Race):
Start (9am): York Street – Mullet Bay Road, Kindley Field Road, The Causeway, Blue Hole Hill, North Shore Road (Hamilton Parish), Middle Road (Smith’s and Devonshire Parishes), Cavendish Road, Lane Hill, East Broadway, Front Street, Queen Street, Church Street, King Street, Victoria Street, Cedar Avenue, Marsh Folly Road, Dutton Avenue (finish).
As a result of the changes to the race routes, the above roads will be closed from 8:30am until 12 noon. In addition:
• No traffic will be allowed to travel in either direction during the cycle race.
• No traffic will be allowed to travel in the opposite direction to the marathon runners.
For persons intending to enter or exit the City of Hamilton, the following procedure will be in place; motorised traffic will be allowed to cross over/through the race route at the following junctions only:
• Middle Road /Harrington Sound Road (Flatt’s) to North Shore Road (entry and exit to City of Hamilton).
• Tee Street/Middle Road to Orange Valley Road (entry into City of Hamilton only).
Acting Superintendent Calvin Smith will now give some information about the Heritage Day Parade.
Acting Superintendent Calvin Smith - Good Morning.
Heritage Day Parade
As you may be aware, the Heritage Day parade starts at 1:30pm. Spectators should not obstruct the passage of the participants of the Heritage Day Parade.
Many of the performers demand the entire width of the road, and others are mounted on heavy vehicles with limited vision. Serious harm and/or disruption to the parade could result in the event of spectator interference.
Certain roads and road junctions will be closed in the City of Hamilton until the parade has concluded and Corporation of Hamilton Waste Management teams have completed trash collections. We will be unable to open roads in order to allow cars parked within the city to leave. Cars parked in areas that become isolated due to the closures (particularly Reid Street) will not be able to move until the roads and junctions are opened.
No parking areas will be clearly marked, and specific road closure times are contained in the gazetted notices.
The following temporary road closures will be in effect within the City of Hamilton:
Queen Street from Church Street to Front Street between 8:45 am & 8:30 pm
Burnaby Street from Front Street to Church Street between 8:45 am & 8:30 pm
Cedar Avenue from Church Street to City Boundary between 8:45 am & 6:00 pm
Parliament Street from Front Street to Dundonald Street between 8:45 am and 6:00 pm
Court Street from Front Street to Dundonald Street between 8:45 am & 6:00 pm
King Street from Front Street to Dundonald Street between 8:45 am & 11:30 am
Front Street from Bermudiana Road to King Street between 8:45 am & 6:00 pm
Reid Street from Queen Street to King Street between 8:45 am & 6:00 pm
Church Street from Queen Street to King Street between 8:45 am & 6:00 pm
Victoria Street from Wesley Street to King Street between 8:45 am & 11:30 am and from Washington Street to Brunswick Street between 11:30 am & 6:00 pm
*****EXCEPT BUSES*****
Dundonald Street from Par-La-Ville Road North Roundabout to Brunswick Street between 8:45 am & 6:00 pm
No parking from 10pm Sunday 24th May through 10pm Monday 25th May 2015
City Hall Car Park – CLOSED
City Hall Rear Car Park – Reserved Parking for Vendors and entertainment only
Albuoy’s Point – Reserved Parking for Vendors only
No parking from 6am to 4pm Monday 25th May 2015
Queen Street from Front Street to Church Street
Burnaby Street from Front Street to Church Street
Cedar Avenue from Church Street to the City Boundary
Court Street from Front Street to Church Street
King Street from Front Street to Victoria Street
Front Street from Queen Street to King Street
Church Street from Queen Street to King Street
Victoria Street from Wesley Street to King Street
Reid Street from Spurling Hill to Court Street
In addition, please be aware that the Bermuda Police is authorised to close off streets or portions of streets, direct traffic and restrict and authorise parking as the Commissioner of Police decides.
Loud Music
Loud music complaints both in residential neighbourhoods and on the water are a problem associated with this Holiday and we accept that the celebration of Heritage Day brings with it a party atmosphere. We ask a couple things of the public: patience and tolerance on the part of the persons who enjoy a more somber celebration, along with a display of respect and courtesy on the part of those who like to party hard. We encourage members of the communities that they live in to work together to keep the peace in the neighbourhood, in an effort to avoid the involvement of the police.
Crime Prevention
We urge the public to be sure to secure their homes properly over the long weekend, particularly if they are planning to attend any of the many events being held. We also stress the need to ensure that bikes and cars are properly locked and the keys are taken out to prevent crimes of opportunity.
Road Safety
Meanwhile, the motoring public should be mindful that the police will be highly visible on the roads. In addition to calming the roads there will be an emphasis on offences such as speeding, impaired driving and driving without due care and attention. Remember, road safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Our final message again this year is to encourage everyone to exercise patience, tolerance and caution to help the Bermuda Police Service to do our job.
On behalf of the Commissioner of Police, his support staff and the Bermuda Reserve Police, I wish the entire community a pleasant, enjoyable and safe long weekend. |