

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Friday, September 12,2014
Distribution: All Media

Recruit Foundation Course #76 Passing Out Parade

At 5:45pm on Thursday, September 11th 2014 the Passing Out Parade for Recruit Foundation Course #76 took place at Police Headquarters in Prospect, Devonshire. In attendance at the ceremony were several dignitaries including:

    His Excellency, The Governor, Mr. George Fergusson
    The Premier and Minister of National Security, The Hon. Michael H. Dunkley, JP, MP
    Junior Minister of National Security & Legal Affairs, Senator Jeff Baron
    Secretary for National Security, Maj. Marc Telemaque, LVO, ED
    The Commanding Officer of the Bermuda Regiment, Lt. Col. Michael E. Foster-Brown
    The Commissioner of Corrections, Lt. Col. Edward J. Lamb, ED, tasc
    Chief Fire Officer, Mr. R. Lloyd Burchall
    Commandant of the Bermuda Reserve Police, Mr. Cannoth Roberts
    Police Chaplain, Bishop the Reverend Dr. Lloyd E. Duncan ABs, BSc

Twenty five Constables were on parade, led by Parade Commander Inspector Peter Charlemagne. The Drill Instructor was Sergeant Derrick Golding. The newest members of the Bermuda Police Service are:

    PC 2474 Kirsteen Brown
    PC 2475 Melissa Butler
    PC 2476 Stephen Clyke
    PC 2477 Crystal Correia
    PC 2478 Courtney Downie
    PC 2479 Mel Dion Easton
    PC 2463 Kyle Godfrey
    PC 2480 Thomas Greenslade
    PC 2481 Milton Hill
    PC 2482 Angelique Lewis
    PC 2483 Adam Mattatall
    PC 2484 Robin Mullan
    PC 2485 Vincent O’Reilly
    PC 2486 John Outerbridge
    PC 2487 Mark Raposo
    PC 2488 Ian Scotton
    PC 2489 Alex Shreeve
    PC 2490 Talitha Simons
    PC 2491 Oba Swan
    PC 2492 Denise Taylor
    PC 2493 Sherbrea Thompson
    PC 2494 Raisa Tuzo
    PC 2495 Dre’ Wilkinson
    PC 2496 Whitney Wilkinson
    PC 2497 James Williams

There were several awards presented during the ceremony. The awards and recipients were:

Athletic Awards - The Instructors Cup is an award that is given to the fastest officer over the International 10 kilometre or 6 mile Flatts road running course.

    The Instructors Cup was presented to PC Kirsteen Brown for the fastest time of 49 minutes and 16 seconds in the female category.
    The Instructors Cup was presented to PC Mel Dion Easton for the fastest time of 44 minutes and 26 seconds in the male category.

All Round Athlete & Physical Fitness Awards

    PC Kirsteen Brown (female).
    PC Mel Dion Easton (male).

Deputy Commissioner’s Cup – This award is for the best effort on the course and the officer who has made the most significant progress.

    Awarded to PC Angelique Lewis

Academic Award – Awarded to PC Raisa Tuzo, who achieved an overall test average of 94.1%.

Commissioner’s Shield – Awarded to Red Syndicate led by Sergeant Ronald Taylor; consisting of PC Robin Mullan, PC John Outerbridge, PC Mark Raposo, PC Whitney Wilkinson, PC Courtney Downie, PC Kirsteen Brown, PC Alex Shreeve, PC Raisa Tuzo and PC Mel Dion Easton.

The award was collected by PC Courtney Downie.

Baton of Honour – Awarded to PC Ian Scotton, who was selected as the most distinguished student officer by the Training Centre staff.

On behalf of the Commissioner of Police Mr. Michael DeSilva, the men & women of the Bermuda Police Service would like to congratulate and welcome these twenty five new officers into the Bermuda Police Service family.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department