

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Tuesday, April 15,2014
Distribution: All Media

Bermuda Police Service 135th Anniversary Celebrations

Commissioner of Police Michael DeSilva - 2014 marks a significant milestone in Bermuda as this year the Bermuda Police Service will celebrate 135 continuous years of service to our community.

We are excited and honoured that we get an opportunity to share this milestone with the public that we serve.

Traditionally during Police Week we have a number of activities that highlight policing and our partnerships within the community.

However this year we have several lead up activities prior to the main Police Week events in October.

All celebrations culminate with a ‘Police Tattoo’ on Saturday, October 11th at the National Stadium featuring the world renowned Royal Bahamas Police Force Band.

The following Police Week lead up activities start in May and continue until October 1st:

•           Police Team(s) in the Catlin End to End Bermuda

•           Police Team(s) in the Bermuda Day Half Marathon

•           Bermuda Heritage Day Parade Police Float

•           Movie Night

•           Inter-Service Sports Competition

•           Police Booth at Harbour Nights

•           Bermuda Police Association Picnic & Fun Day

•           Police Variety Show

•           Charitable Community Event

•           Police Art Show

•           Police Vehicles Past, Present & Future Convoy

This year Police Week will be celebrated from October 4th to October 11th and events include:

•           Saturday, October 4th - Police Gymkhana

•           Sunday, October 5th - Interfaith Service

•           Monday, October 6th - Awards Ceremony

•           Tuesday, October 7th - Seniors Tea

•           Tuesday, October 7th - The Bermuda Police Service - Historic Lecture

•           Wednesday, October 8th - Police Parade

•           Wednesday, October 8th - City Hall Concert

•           Wednesday, October 8th - Open Houses at all Police Stations

•           Wednesday, October 8th - Retirement Ceremony & Bermuda Ex Police Officers Association Evening

•           Thursday, October 9th - Sports Day & Evening BBQ

•           Friday, October 10th - Police Memorial Service

•           Friday, October 10th - Police Ball

•           Saturday, October 11th - Police Tattoo featuring The Royal Bahamas Police Force Band

Additionally, we are asking for the public’s assistance in compiling a database of contact information (e-mail and phone numbers) of all former, ex and retired police officers, cadets and support staff – anyone who has ever worked in the Bermuda Police - so that we can include them in all Police Week activities.

Please supply that information to our Public & Media Relations office by telephone at 247-1776 or via the e-mail address pmr@bps.bm.

We are also planning a small route march in the City of Hamilton and a photo on City Hall steps featuring all past and present police personnel.

For more information on the Bermuda Police Service 135th anniversary celebrations please visit our official website www.bermudapolice.bm.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department