

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Friday, December 20,2013
Distribution: All Media

Christmas Safety Advisory

Superintendent Sean Field-Lament – This time of year is one for socialising with family, friends and colleagues at various festive events.

Sadly, we also typically see increases in road traffic collisions and anti-social behaviour associated with alcohol. As a result the Bermuda Police Service encourages members of the public to enjoy themselves responsibly.

Police officers will be out monitoring the roads during the holidays and traffic checks can be expected at various locations.

Officers both in high visibility uniform and plain clothes will be patrolling the City of Hamilton as well as various other locations engaging with shoppers, retailers and motorists to ensure everyone is able to enjoy the festivities in a peaceful and safe environment.

Patrons attending Christmas parties are asked to act in a responsible manner. Carefully consider your options and the consequences. If you intend on consuming alcohol - please, do not make the mistake of driving whilst impaired. Poor choices can have long term ramifications.

Residents are encouraged to always lock their doors and windows when leaving home, even for a few minutes. If leaving home for an extended period of time, ask a neighbour or family member to watch the house. Displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through windows or doors.

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to reassure the public that any anti-social behaviour during the holiday period will not be tolerated, with officers using all lawful powers to deter and detect offenders as well as offences.

On behalf of the Bermuda Police Service, I wish everyone Season’s Greetings for a safe and enjoyable holiday period.

Inspector Robert Cardwell – The Bermuda Police Service wishes to take this opportunity to remind the public that use of the roads in a safe manner is the responsibility of all. The Christmas Season does not diminish this responsibility in any way.

2013 to date has seen nine lives tragically lost on the roads, and many collisions that have resulted in serious injuries as well as thousands of dollars in vehicular damage.

Many road deaths suffered in Bermuda are avoidable. Alcohol consumption beyond the legal limits for driving is far too frequently a contributing factor in these collisions. 

If you have consumed alcohol, the simple message is: don’t drive.

Safe driving and responsible use of the roads is the responsibility of everyone.

If your work colleague, friend or relative has consumed alcohol, they might not be in the best mind to make the right decision. Take steps to deter them from driving or riding.

When using the roads, drive or ride defensively and not aggressively as the volume of traffic is increasing generally. In particular the roads around the City of Hamilton have become congested with higher volumes of motor and pedestrian traffic and this is highly likely to continue right up to New Year’s Eve.

Pedestrians are road users too and are also encouraged to ensure that they use the roads and crossings particularly in the City of Hamilton, safely. Pedestrians should only cross the roads on marked crossings and in doing so should be certain that traffic has seen them before stepping off the sidewalk. This will ensure that the potential for a collision with a motorist is avoided.

Similarly, motorists should approach crossings with caution and give way to pedestrians.

In our continued efforts to calm the roads, the Bermuda Police Service has put measures in place to increase our visibility on the roads. This is geared towards the prevention and deterrence of bad driving behaviour.

Additionally, officers have been tasked to continue to target offences identified in the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (S.T.E.P.) launched earlier this year. To this end the motoring public are reminded that there is zero tolerance towards the bad driving behaviours that have been selected. This includes impaired driving, dangerous driving, driving without due care and attention, speeding and use of cellular telephones whilst driving. Offenders will find themselves before the Magistrates’ Court.

By adhering to the traffic laws of Bermuda and taking steps to consciously use the roads safely it is the hope of the Bermuda Police Service that the year will end without further loss of life or serious life-long injuries being suffered.

The Bermuda Police Service wishes all a safe, peaceful and happy Christmas period.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department