

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Tuesday, August 20,2013
Distribution: All Media

Protect your Commerical Property (Crime Prevention Information)

The Bermuda Police Service is noticing a persistent  rise in commercial burglaries around the island as there were 3 in a 24 hour period,  (properties on  Laffan Street, Lover’s Lane in Paget and Parliament Street). Active inquires into all these incidents are underway with officers from Central CIU are appealing to anyone that can assist us with these commercial burglaries to contact, Acting Inspector Burns on 295-0011.



 Here are some simple safety tips for business owners:




The following specifications are intended as a guideline for the fitting of doors, windows and security bars at commercial premises in Bermuda. These specifications should be recognized as MINIMUM requirement


  • Fit good quality locks, such as deadbolt locks, to all exterior doors.
  • All exterior doors should be solid core and at least 1 ¾” thick.
  • Where door hinges are on the outside of exterior doors, install hinge bolts in the door frames on the same side as, and close by, the hinges themselves.


·        Fit-secondary locks on all windows and, where necessary, installs metal bars in the window frames.


Metal Bars


·        Where possible, bars should be fitted internally and set back not less than 2” from the internal surface of the wall. Each window bar should be grouted into the masonry at the top and bottom (or sides, for horizontal bars) to a minimum depth of 3”. When bars are longer than 2 feet, cross-ties of mild steel, 2” x 3/8”, should be provided at intervals of not more than 18” to 20” and welded at the intersections or otherwise made immovable, e.g. by flattening  the window bars above and below the cross-ties.


·        Alternatively, the cross-ties can be fitted separately into the masonry, to a depth of at least 3” at each end, and welded at the intersections.


·        The bars should be of mild steel (or reinforcing rod) not less than ¾” diameter, or section (square section is stronger) and fitted at not more than 5” centers.


·        Where it is not possible to sink bars into masonry, they should be threaded through the cross-ties.




·        As an alternative to bars, replace your window glass, where necessary, with security glass – available locally in different strengths and finishes.


Don’t forget to protect small windows, fanlights and roof lights.


Air conditioners

·        Secure wall mounted air-conditioners with “L” shaped brackets or carriage bolts, so that they cannot be pushed in or pulled out.



·        Keep the minimum amount of cash on hand and make frequent, irregular bank deposits.


·        If money must be left on the premises overnight, purchase a safe. Floor safes, wall safes and regular free standing safes, are all available locally. Note: free standing safes weighing less than ½ ton, should be anchored to the floor.




·        All items, such as typewriters, calculators, etc., should be ‘U’ marked for easy identification if lost or stolen. A U marking machine can be borrowed from the Crime Prevention Office.


·        Once your premises have been made physically secure, consider the installation of an alarm system for additional security. Both audible and silent, burglar and fire alarm systems can be bought or rented locally. Note: All silent systems, whether linked to the Police or a Central Station, are subject to the Bermuda Police Policy on Intruder Alarms.



·        Install good outdoor lighting well out of arms reach- at least 12’ off the ground. Alternatively consider installing a passive infra-red security lighting system such as Light watch 11 or similar. With such a system your outside lights are switched on automatically for a limited period whenever a person or motor vehicle enters the sensor’s invisible beam.



·        Control the access routes to your property by restricting the number of vehicular entrances.

·        Thick shrubbery can provide good hiding places for thieves. Cut back overgrown trees and bushes for better visibility.


·        Secure all outbuildings and equipment – especially ladders. Don’t allow thieves to use your tools to break into your premises

·        Equipment which must be kept out of doors can sometimes be secured with a good padlock and a length of chain.


Additional Security

·        For additional protection, consider hiring plain clothed or uniform security guards.  Bermudian security firms can also supply video cameras, recorders and monitors as well as article surveillance equipment to reduce shoplifting.


New Premises

·        Incorporate security at the planning stage and erect clearly definable boundaries, such as low walls, lighting. Give yourself a ‘sense of turf’.



We are also asking for the public to keep an eye on individuals that are acting suspiciously around your property and contact police with a description of the individual.


Remember, thieves are opportunist and travel down the path of least resistance, take away the opportunity and minimize your risk.


For more information go to www.bermudapoliceservice.bm  and look up crime prevention advice.


All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department