Commissioner of Police Michael DeSilva – Good afternoon everyone. This report covers the period of 1st January to 30th June 2013. I think the headline could read “Crime Continues to Fall.”
The subheading might read “Q2 of 2013 records the lowest crime rate since the year 2000.” Total crime for the second quarter stands at 834 offences and this is the fourth quarter in a row where total crime is less than 1,000. Compared with the first six months of 2012, the same period this year has recorded 415 fewer offences, or a reduction of 19%. View full crime statistics documents. | View press conference video.
Despite this encouraging trend, the period has sadly not been without tragedies. Five fatal road traffic collisions occurred in the 1st quarter, although none occurred in the 2nd. Three murders have been recorded: two in January that were caused by fatal shootings and are believed to be gang related, and one in June that was not firearms related and is not believed to be linked to gang activity.
But there is good news to be found in the reports. The 2nd quarter reported one injury shooting, only. While one shooting is still one shooting too many, compared to what we have been through, the 2nd quarter of 2013 represents the lowest rate of gang violence in Bermuda in the last 4 years. 9 firearms have been seized by the police or turned in by the public so far this year. They are comprised of 5 conventional handguns; 2 air pistols (or “BB guns”) and 2 imitation firearms. As a result of forensic examination, one firearm has been linked to 7 different gun crimes, while another firearm has been linked to 2 separate offences. These weapons have now opened up potential lines of enquiry that weren’t there previously, and will hopefully lead to the progression of some of our open cases to the point where charges can be laid against culprits who are still at large.
Elsewhere in the report, in the first two quarters (or six month) comparison between 2012 and 2013, Antisocial Behaviour offences fell from 288 to 211 (or 27%); Robbery fell from 34 to 19 (or 44%); Vehicle thefts fell from 360 to 307 (or 15%). Total burglaries (residential, commercial and tourist accommodations) are down from 520 to 309, a reduction of 40%.
Drug seizures total 138 for the year, comprised of 39 seizures by Customs at the ports of entry, 89 street seizures and 11 interdictions outside of Bermuda. The total value of drug seizures so far this year is $1.86 million. This represents a decrease from the same period last year at $5.13 million. Drug enforcement activity has declined over the last four quarters from an average of 175 offences to 75 offences per quarter. This decline appears to coincide with a decline in stop and searches over the same four quarter period from about 2,300 per quarter to just over 1,100 per quarter, or about 52% fewer searches.
Finally, under the provisions of the Proceeds of Crime Act, a total of $232,000 has either been seized, confiscated or forfeited this year. This compares with $520,000 during the same period last year.
There is good news in this crime report, and the news should be encouraging to all Bermudians and residents. It doesn’t signal that the problems have been solved or that the police will let up, but it is a positive trend that is worth acknowledging. Policing is a community responsibility and this report should provide reinforcement to those involved in the community effort to continue doing their part in tackling gangs, guns, drugs and violence – and making Bermuda a safer place as a result. And for our part, the BPS intends to help Bermuda feel safer as well, by continuing to target those offenders posing the greatest risk to our community and bringing them to justice. |