Inspector Tracy Burgess of the Public Protection Department - Good Afternoon Everyone. Thank you for attending the Hamilton Police Station for this special presentation. As we all know, Christmas is a time for giving and children are what make Christmas special.
Christmas is a time where office people and shift people get together and have a Christmas function of some sort. It is very common that during these functions people exchange gifts amongst each other and to coin a very common phrase, they have what is called a "Secret Santa."
The Bermuda Police Service is no different. This year ‘B’ watch held its Christmas dinner on Thursday the 13th of December and we did have a ‘Secret Santa’, but this year was different. Instead of exchanging gifts amongst each other we collectively decided to donate our gifts to the children that are less fortunate. We collectively decided to donate these gifts to the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Bermuda. We also decided to recognize another charity and raised 300 dollars for ‘A Lott of Sista Love’ charity (Bermuda Chapter).
We have collected approximately 40 gifts and would like for the President of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bermuda – retired Regiment Major George Jones and Board Member retired police Chief Inspector Othneal Haynes as well as one of the Big Brothers PC Corville Hilton to come forward and collect these gifts for the children.
I would also like Barbara Thomas of ‘A Lott of Sista Love’ charity (Bermuda Chapter) to come forward and collect a cheque for 300 dollars.
The Bermuda Police Service and especially the officers of ‘B’ watch wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Thank You. |