Acting Superintendent Na’imah Astwood, Community Policing Division – For those who celebrate Halloween the intention is for it to be a fun event – an opportunity for harmless family fun, dressing up in costumes and going through the neighborhood collecting candy. Historically though, the event has attracted trouble-makers – not just here in Bermuda but in other countries too.
This year there is speculation and concern in the community that gangs will exploit Halloween as an excuse for criminality and spoil the fun for the wider law-abiding community. The Bermuda Police Service is also mindful that the event has in the past attracted a large number of other disorder and public nuisance offences as well as drinking and driving.
Let me be very clear that the Bermuda Police Service will be working hard throughout the entire weekend and beyond to make Bermuda safer. Our officers, supported by the Bermuda Reserve Police will be on the streets in large numbers to deter offenders as well as to mount a robust response to any incidents - including those involving firearms.
Although the Bermuda Police Service is well positioned to deal with Halloween from an enforcement perspective I really want to take this opportunity to appeal to the public to do your part to preserve the safety and security of everyone. This should be a fun event. Let's also make it a safe event.
Acting Chief Inspector Troy Glasgow, Public Protection Department – The first thing the public will notice is a very strong and proactive policing presence across the island.
We ask for your patience and support as we work towards ensuring a safe event for the duration of the Halloween weekend. Your patience is requested in the event that you are inconvenienced by those operations. Your support is solicited by letting us know if you see offences being committed or trouble developing.
While driving please be aware that there will be lots of pedestrians on the streets - many of whom will be dressed in dark clothing and many of whom will be children. We encourage older children, parents, friends and family to do your part in keeping your young children close by and safe. If you want to drink alcohol then please do not drive.
The Bermuda Police Service will use all lawful powers to deter and detect criminal conduct including Powers of Stop and Search. This refers to the activity of police officers utilizing their powers to stop and search a person where lawfully justified under PACE (2006), the Criminal Code, Misuse of Drugs Act etc.
These searches, including new powers under Section 315G of the Criminal Code to remove face coverings, are conducted where there is reasonable grounds to suspect that the person has committed or is about to commit an arrestable offence - and they are carried out with courtesy, consideration and respect for the individual. The Bermuda Police Service wishes a safe and fun night for all who will be taking part in Halloween related activities.
The Bermuda Police Service is also mindful that there are persons within our community who will use this opportunity to commit unlawful acts which may cause injury to persons and/or damage to property. The Bermuda Police Service would like to take this opportunity to assure the public that such behavior will not be tolerated and there will be an increased deployment of police resources during Halloween.
This deployment will include:
High visibility patrols throughout the day and evening hours of Halloween. The objective during this period will be to minimize damage to property and injury to persons while also providing a rapid and effective response to incidents. To this end the Bermuda Police Service will have a zero tolerance approach towards persons who engage in unlawful behavior.
Working in partnership with you the community, the Bermuda Police Service asks that parents, shopkeepers and gas station owners/operators be wary of persons particularly those young in age who attempt to purchase large quantities of eggs and/or gasoline. Though you may consider them as everyday items, historically they have been used as missiles/weapons towards police, members of the public and property.
We ask that persons walking along the main roads with young children wear brightly colored clothing and we strongly encourage the use of flashlights during the hours of darkness. Young children should be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian whilst out ‘trick or treating.’
The Bermuda Police Service is aware that there will be Halloween parties throughout the island and ask that patrons to these events act in a responsible manner; which includes not operating motor vehicles if you have consumed any alcohol. As part of the Bermuda Police Service Halloween objectives, there will be a zero tolerance approach to this type of offence.
In closing, the Bermuda Police Service would again like to wish everyone a safe and fun Halloween. |