Acting Chief Inspector Robert Cardwell, Western Area Commander - Good morning, I am today announcing that the Bermuda Police Service will once again exercise powers under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2010, Section 110 and specifically the power to disperse groups. The initial duration of this authority shall be between 8am on Saturday, 8th September until 11:59pm on Friday, 21st September, 2012.
Under the powers under this section of law officers have been authorized to exercise these powers in the general area known as White Hill in Sandys Parish to curb the anti-social behavior that is exhibited in this community. More specifically this will be in the areas of:
Middle Road between Spring Benny Road and Farmstead Lane; Spring Benny Lane, Spring Benny Drive, Spring Benny Road, White Hill View, Rockywold Drive, Rockywold Road, Butterfield Lane, Woodlawn Road, Fairhaven Lane, White Hill Lane, Farmstead Lane and any public place contiguous to any of these roads.
A map clearly indicating the areas this community can expect the police to be exercising these powers will be published in both newspapers together with the notice tomorrow.
It is necessary for the Bermuda Police Service to exercise these powers as a direct result of the consultation that has occurred with community leaders and others who live within this community. They have essentially pleaded for assistance to rid this community of the anti-social behavior exhibited by groups who congregate and cause alarm and distress and I have received letters from members of this community to this effect. The anti-social behavior exhibited is evident in reports of drug dealing, public alcohol consumption, loud music playing and the general disrespect shown towards the area residents all of which contribute to the alarm and distress of these residents.
It is our intention to assist this community and return the community back to its residents as was successfully done on the previous occasion we exercised these powers on Cambridge Road in Sandys.
The areas mentioned and indicated on the map can expect heightened levels of police attention. Officers will engage the men congregated and instruct them to immediately disperse and to not return for the duration of this authority. Anyone who refuses to immediately comply with an instruction to move on, or who returns having had an instruction to desist from doing so can expect that they will be arrested and placed before the next sitting of the Magistrates’ Court. The penalty for anyone convicted of an offence under Section 110 can expect a fine up to $2,500 and/or 3 months in prison.
Additionally anyone under the age of 17 found in any of these areas under this authority between the hours of 9pm and 6am can expect that they will be taken to their residence and handed over to their parent or guardian. If it appears to a police officer attempting to return a child under the age of 17 to their residence that there is any risk to that child or the child is in any danger, the child will be handed over to the care of Social Services.
We will assess the response to this authority over the course of the next 2 weeks and if deemed necessary I will make a case for a Police Superintendent to exercise his power under the act to extend the authority for an additional 30 days. |