Detective Chief Inspector Nicholas Pedro, Officer In Charge of the Serious Crime Unit - The Bermuda Police Service is continuing its investigations into the appearance of a man carrying what appears to be a firearm outside the popular Somerset bar & restaurant known as Woody’s Drive In.
We are taking the unusual step today of releasing CCTV footage of the incident in the hope that we can identify the man. The circumstances of this matter have prompted us to undertake an intense investigation, and we need the assistance of the community.
The incident is believed to have happened shortly after 10pm this last Saturday 25th August. Members of the public reported that a masked man had emerged from the side of Woody’s, and produced what they initially described as a “machine gun”. The masked man appeared to be attempting to discharge the weapon, however no shots were discharged.
A full police investigation was immediately commenced, and the premises were attended by on duty police officers. The Bermuda Police Service has worked with the management of Woody’s to retrieve footage from their CCTV system to obtain images of the incident.
The CCTV footage has produced the following image that I wish to share with you that shows the suspected gunman at Woody’s.

You will note that the suspect is dressed head to toe in a blue rain suit including a hood and white – possibly latex – gloves, and a red scarf covering his face.
Investigations have further led us to believe that the suspect(s) left the Spanish Point area on a jet ski and travelled across the Great Sound to Gray’s Bridge, travelled through this bridge near to Boaz Island where he, or they, left the jet ski to carry out this act. The jet ski is then believed to have returned using the same route to Spanish Point.
A robust intelligence led investigation led officers from the Serious Crime Unit assisted by the Forensic Support Unit to seize & examine a jet ski believed to have been used in this incident, and the results of the tests conducted are due to be received in due course.
Officers have also arrested four men – all from Pembroke – on suspicion of possessing a firearm in relation to this incident; however no firearm has yet been recovered.
As you will note from the footage, the type of weapon cannot be clearly identified. However, the footage is being sent overseas for digital enhancement & analysis to determine the identity of the suspect and the weapon type – if possible.
This incident is concerning.
It is concerning because if the images and the suggestion is true that the suspect in this matter was in possession of a weapon capable of automatic fire on a crowd of innocent people, then this incident could have resulted in multiple casualties.
As I have stated on many previous occasions – the lack of respect for human life is overwhelming and must stop.
I am appealing to all of family, friends, and loved one out there that know something about this matter, or any other shooting or murder, to do the right thing – and help bring these perpetrators to justice. I am also asking those people in the community that are in a position to exert some influence over people engaged in these activities to intervene to prevent an escalation in tension & violence in response to this incident.
The Bermuda Police Service is capable of doing many things; our arrest and conviction rate for violent crime demonstrates this, however we are dependent on the assistance of the public in these matters.
To the patrons of Woody’s Bar: If you saw something, say something.
To the friends or relatives of the man in this photo: If you know something, say something.
We offer a number of ways you can bring people to justice:-
- Call the independent & confidential Crime Stoppers hotline at 800-8477.
- Call the Serious Crime Unit on 247-1739.
- Call any Police Station and speak to one of our officers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 295-0011.