Minister of National Security the Hon. Wayne Perinchief - Good morning Commissioner, Commander Officer, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for joining us.
Like most residents, we are prepared for the 110th Cup Match Classic. No matter which team you are supporting and hoping will triumph over the other in this fierce but friendly rivalry; we can take solace that the men and women of the Bermuda Police Service, Bermuda Regiment, Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service and our community partners stand ready to ensure that if needed they will be there by land and by sea.
As you are aware, the Bermuda Police Service and Bermuda Regiment will continue their extremely successful maritime patrolling initiative. The intent behind this partnership is to allow for the Regiment to provide assistance on in-shore maritime security, using their Boat Troop. This was a role that was exclusively carried out by the BPS and it now represents another example of how our team is working together to secure our community. Representatives from both agencies will highlight their combined plan for the holiday weekend.
By now many of you may have seen some of the public service announcements for the "Respect!" Campaign while viewing the 2012 Summer Olympics (and for those who have not yet had the opportunity, you can do so during the televised cricket game or on the Ministry of National Security’s YouTube Channel by following the link on our Government Portal Page.) This initiative was designed to promote the basic concepts of human behaviour and to reinforce some of the fundamental tenets of strong communities.
These simple but powerful images, highlight, inspire and remind us to respect each other, our communities and our favourite sports teams. The Cup Match Holiday is one of those times we celebrate our family, friends and freedom.
In closing, I would like to thank in advance the men and women of the Bermuda Police Service, Bermuda Regiment, Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service and our community partners for everything that they will do to keep our island safe. To the players, remember that your loyal fans are watching. And finally, I wish each of you a safe and secure holiday as we come together to celebrate Emancipation Day and Somers Day and the spirit of Cup Match.
Thank you.
Superintendent Martin Weekes – The Bermuda Police Service wishes to take this opportunity to advise the public on a number of matters to ensure a peaceful and safe time during this year’s Cup Match holiday weekend.
The purpose of this press conference is to flesh out the detail of how we plan to police the Cup Match weekend using high visibility patrols in partnership with The Bermuda Reserve Police and the Bermuda Regiment.
High Visibility Patrols
The Police Service will be conducting high visibility patrols throughout the weekend with the aim of Making Bermuda Safer.
In line with our strategic intent of Guns Gangs, Drugs & Violence reduction, the Bermuda Police Service is intent on deterring those members of the public that might seek to disrupt the holiday with acts of violence and criminality.
Bermuda Police Service patrols, assisted by our colleagues from the Bermuda Reserve Police, will be paying particular attention to incidents of public disorder, weapons possession and public drug misuse. Those persons who are not deterred by the presence of the police and commit these offences can expect to be promptly arrested and delivered to the courts.
Partnership Approach
In addition to our partnerships with the Bermuda Reserve Police and private security at Somerset Cricket Club and other event locations, this year will see the Bermuda Police Service building on our existing partnership with the Bermuda Regiment.
For the past three years the Bermuda Regiment has been assisting with police patrols on the water. This year the partnership programme will be extended to the provision of reassurance patrols around the Cup Match festivities at Somerset Cricket Club and the Beachfest at Horseshoe Bay. It should be noted that this is not the first time that such joint working has occurred on land, as the Bermuda Regiment has in the past provided uniformed soldiers to assist with stewarding the Bermuda Day Parade.
Somerset Cricket Club
Officers from the Bermuda Police Service, Bermuda Reserve Police and Bermuda Regiment will be on duty inside and outside the Somerset Cricket Club grounds throughout the two days of play, directing traffic and conducting high visibility patrols. The club has also contracted the services of a security company and cameras and extra CCTV coverage will be in use in and around the grounds.
Road Traffic
The public is reminded that on Thursday and Friday of Cup Match that road closures and parking restrictions will be in effect in the area of Somerset Cricket Club. The Bermuda Police Service will endeavour to reduce disruption of the motoring public to a minimum however all should be aware that there will be necessary road closures and there will likely be delays travelling into and out of Somerset.
In conjunction with the Road Safety Council we call upon the motoring public to exercise care, caution and courtesy while driving, especially when considering the high volume of collisions that occur on holiday weekends.
Furthermore we encourage members of the public not to drive if they have consumed any quantity of alcohol; even if they think they are below the legal limit. This approach by the public will go a long way to reduce collisions and keep our roads safe for everyone. We would ask the public to consider your friends and family this Cup Match holiday and do your best not to spoil it for everyone by drinking and driving and becoming a road traffic collision statistic.
Cup Match is traditionally a time when Bermudians like to get out on the water and we expect, weather permitting, that our waterways will be very busy. A full complement of officers from our Marine Unit, supplemented by the Bermuda Reserve Police and the Bermuda Regiment will be on patrol in our waters to deal with marine incidents.
We would like to remind the boating public that speed is an issue not only in maritime collisions but in the general nuisance factor that is experienced by boaters at anchor near the shoreline. The boating public is reminded of the need to exercise care and caution around other vessels and to be on the lookout for swimmers. To this end, the 5 knot – no wake areas will be strictly enforced in order to calm the marine traffic. We also encourage that persons do not mix any use of alcohol with power-boat operating or sailing.
Additionally we would remind everyone to ensure that their vessels are registered; that a current 2012 decal is prominently displayed on the starboard side of the vessel; that they ensure that all required safety equipment is on board; that they are carrying enough fuel for the intended journey. It is also recommended that they file a float plan if they intend to go offshore.
Loud Music
Loud music complaints are also a problem associated with this holiday and we accept that the celebration of Cup Match brings with it a party atmosphere. We ask two things of the public: patience and tolerance on the part of the complainants, along with a display of respect and courtesy on the part of the subjects. We encourage members of the communities that they live in to work together to keep the peace in the neighbourhood and avoid the involvement of the police.
Our final message this year is to encourage everyone to exercise patience, tolerance, caution and good old fashioned common-sense to help the Bermuda Police Service to do our job.
We appeal to the public, and in particular to those persons in the community who are involved in violent crime or have friends and family involved in these crimes, to think about the Cup Match holiday and what it means to their community and to not spoil these events for the whole community as has happened on other occasions.
On behalf of the Commissioner of Police, I wish the entire community a pleasant, enjoyable and safe Cup Match holiday.
Commanding Officer of the Bermuda Regiment, Lt. Col. Brian Gonsalves - Thank you Superintendent Weekes.
During the Cup Match period members of the Regiment will once again be working in partnership with their colleagues from the Bermuda Police Service. During the summer months, the public are quite used to seeing our Boat Troop working with the Police Marine Section by providing assistance to those on the waterways.
This year, the Regiment will be seen on land providing a similar public service. This, of course is not unusual as the Regiment have been seen at numerous civic events over the years (like May 24th) and although on a much larger scale our counterparts in the UK Forces are currently working with their police counterparts in London providing security at the Olympic Games.
Members of our Operational Support Unit (OSU) have volunteered to work this holiday weekend. They have trained through the year to provide assistance at public events and by working with the Police will be afforded the unique opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals, understanding the best ways to defuse and de-conflict potential issues from escalating and causing a disturbance to the general public.
Before authorized to conduct this operation, our soldiers have received additional training so they are capable of providing the necessary assistance to their Police counterparts. Our primary role is to simply assist the Police while they conduct reassurance patrols.
Joint operations with the Police are going to be a more frequent occurrence as the Regiment develops its maritime presence. We are excited that our training will ever increasingly be used for operational matters outside of disaster relief and ceremonial roles.
To be a member of the Boat Troop or the Operational Support Unit, one must volunteer. We are grateful to these soldiers who have decided to forgo holiday plans in order to ensure that the greater population enjoys a safe Cup Match. |