Acting Chief Inspector Robert Cardwell - Good morning. With me here today are, Mr. Philip Barnett of the Cambridge Road Community Group and Ms. Dawn Simmons of the Sandys Parish Council. This Community Group was formed in partnership with the Bermuda Police Service through our Community Action Team (CAT) representative PC Valerius Jean-Louis and is a dedicated group made up of area residents.
Cambridge Road and Somerset Road areas have for some time now presented challenges to the Bermuda Police Service. The areas have for a long time been a meeting place for men who do not live in the area. Some of these men are associated with the MOB gang that everyone in Somerset has heard of. The Cambridge Road area is sadly also referred to as ‘gun alley’.
I recently attended a meeting of the Cambridge Road area residents and I listened as they explained to me that they are living in fear and live with daily intimidation caused by these men. These men sit at the entrance to Cambridge Road and block the road or delay the free passage of the residents when they are returning to their homes. The men are seen to sell and use illicit drugs which is supported by the drug seizures and drug possession arrests that have occurred in the area.
The men use offensive language towards the area residents and their behavior under the influence of drug and alcohol causes intimidation. I have reports that visitors to our island and who are staying at guest accommodations and must travel along Cambridge Road have reported that they have experienced similar offensive behaviour that does not shine a good light on Bermuda generally.
Unfortunately, despite the increased law enforcement of the area; this has not reduced the level of fear and intimidation suffered by the residents. When the police leave, these men return to their appalling conduct that causes alarm and distress. Everyone will appreciate that this is unacceptable.
Continuing to work in partnership, the Bermuda Police Service has consulted with the Department of Public Prosecutions and the Attorney General’s Chambers. As a result of the guidance received, I am in my capacity as the Western Area Police Commander announcing that with effect from 8am Thursday, 31st May I have given authorization for police officers to begin exercising police powers afforded to them under Section 110 of the Criminal Code to disperse groups.
This authority will be exercised on Somerset Road between Broome Street and Cambridge Road, Cambridge Road and any public place contiguous to these roads. In accordance with the requirements of the Criminal Code, a notice to this effect will appear in both the Royal Gazette and the Bermuda Sun, together with a map.
With effect from Thursday this week, police officers will give an oral instruction to the men who congregate in these areas to immediately disperse and to not return for the duration of this authority. Any person who refuses to disperse or who returns having been told to previously disperse can expect that they will be arrested and placed before the next sitting of the Magistrates’ Court. The maximum penalty on conviction for an offence of this nature is a fine up to $2,500 and/or imprisonment for up to 3 months. |