The Bermuda Police Service would like for the motoring public to bear in mind the following due to the KPMG Invitational Mile which begins on Friday January 13th, at 6:30pm. The Corporation of Hamilton will place advisory signs along the main roads leading into Hamilton on the morning of Friday January 13th to remind motorists of the parking restrictions and times.
No Parking
No parking will be permitted in the following locations from 4pm to 10pm:
- Front Street – on both sides between Queen Street and Spurling Hill.
- Burnaby Street – on both sides between Reid Street and Front Street.
- In Number 1 and 5 car parks.
Once road closures are in place, no vehicles will be permitted to exit any of the car parks or parking areas along the length of the race route on Front Street until the race ends at approximately 10pm.
Road Closures
Road closures will be in effect between 5:30pm and 10pm. The following roads will be closed:
- Front Street – between Queen Street and Spurling Hill.
- Burnaby Street – between Reid Street and Front Street.
- Court Street – between Reid Street and Front Street.
- King Street – between Reid Street and Front Street.
Diversions will be put in place to re-route traffic away from Front Street at the following locations starting at 5:45pm:
- Pitts Bay Road/Bermudiana Road – traffic travelling east towards Front Street will be diverted onto Bermudiana Road.
- Crow Lane/Spurling Hill – traffic travelling west into the City will be diverted up Spurling Hill, towards King and Reid Street.