

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Thursday, December 08,2011
Distribution: All Media

Joint Press Conference: Christmas Crime Prevention Advisory

Chief Inspector Hashim Estwick – The Bermuda Police Service wants everyone to have a secure and happy holiday season. As we prepare ourselves for the joy of giving and exchanging gifts, let us not forget that criminals are also anxiously awaiting this time of year – as people tend to get distracted and let their guard down. As a result, they become vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime.

The Bermuda Police Service will be launching a seasonal initiative to provide increased patrols during this busy period. Officers both in high visibility uniform and plain clothes will be patrolling the City of Hamilton and various other locations at the most appropriate times. This will include pedestrianized areas and our roads, where officers will engage with shoppers, retailers and motorists to ensure everyone is able to enjoy the festivities in a peaceful and safe environment.

It is also a time of the year where celebration is expected. Sadly, we typically see increases in road traffic collisions and anti-social behavior associated with alcohol. Again we urge people not to drink and drive, and to think of their own safety when out celebrating. There will be increased officers policing the roads and anyone suspected of driving having consumed alcohol will be arrested and dealt with according to the law.

In addition, here are a few things the public can do to reduce their chances of experiencing holiday crime.

  • Residents are encouraged to always lock their doors and windows when leaving home, even for a few minutes. If leaving home for an extended period of time, ask a neighbour or family member to watch the house. Displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through windows or doors.
  • Be aware that criminals sometimes pose as couriers or persons soliciting donations for charitable causes. Always ask for identification and ask how the donated funds will be used. If you are not satisfied, do not donate. Only donate to recognised charitable organisations.
  • When out shopping, avoid carrying large amounts of cash and where possible pay for purchases by cheque, credit or debit card. If you must use an ATM, choose one that is well illuminated. Withdraw only the amount of cash you need. Shield the keypad when you enter your PIN number to prevent anyone viewing your transaction and obtaining your number. Retain your receipt, and notify the card issuer immediately if the card is lost or stolen.
  • Keep doors locked and windows closed when you are away from the car. Do not leave purchases in the seat of the car, but lock them in the trunk. When approaching and leaving your vehicle, always be aware of your surroundings. Park in a well-lit area if possible and do not approach the vehicle alone if there are suspicious people standing by.
  • Update your property inventory with details, value and serial numbers of new items, and photograph each item. Supply copies to your insurance company and keep another copy in a safe place, not on the premises. UMARK electronic equipment and supply details of serial numbers and your personal UMARK to the Crime Prevention Unit on 295-0011.
  • After Christmas avoid leaving boxes outside for trash pick-up, as this tells an opportunistic thief ‘what you got.’ They know if you got a new computer, video game system or TV. Instead, dispose of the boxes carefully by concealing them in trash bags.

Further crime prevention advice and crime prevention brochures are available from any police station.

Media statement read by CADA, encouraging responsible alcohol behavior, Executive Director Gillian Freelove-Jones during the Bermuda Police Service joint press conference – December 8, 2011

CADA remains optimistic and believes that our joint messages are being heard by the residents of Bermuda. If we look at the statistics from the Bermuda Police Service over the last three years the number of road traffic collisions have decreased.

In 2008 there were 2,458 collisions, in 2009 there were 2,287 and in 2010, 2,258. As of end of October this year there were 1,645 collisions.

The number of road traffic deaths are extremely high – one death is one too many. In 2008 there were 17. 2009 and 2010 there were 13 deaths each year. So far for 2011, there have been 9 road traffic fatalities.

We know alcohol and or drugs play a role in the vast majority of road traffic fatalities in Bermuda. Together we must remain focused, committed and continue to take responsibility to eliminate drinking and driving. We believe this will go a long way to reducing and eventually eradicating traffic deaths on our roads.

CADA’s message today is simple, before you go out to party please put a plan in place as to how you will get home. Remember ABCD – Always use Bus, Cab or Designated Driver.

To provide support for those who will be out drinking, CADA’s free, life saving, Let Us Drive service will be available thanks to our sponsors, Bacardi, Burrows Lightbourn, Goslings, Fairmont, City of Hamilton and The Caledonian Society. This free service will be available every Friday night from 3:15am to 3:45am from outside of the LOM building on Reid Street. Recognizing that more people will be out over the holiday period, there will be additional vouchers available. The service will also run from the same location at the same time on New Year’s Eve.

We would like to thank the following companies: BELCO, Telebermuda, Lindo’s, WOW, The MarketPlace and the BIU who have shared the life-saving message of Always use a Bus, a Cab or a Designated driver, with their staff and customers in various ways. Together we can save lives. For more information, please visit cada.bm.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department