

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Wednesday, July 27,2011
Distribution: All Media

Joint Press Conference - Cup Match 2011

Today a joint press conference was held with the Bermuda Police Service, Bermuda Road Safety Council, CADA and the St. George's Cricket Club regarding Cup Match 2011. Here are some of the key messages:

Acting Assistant Commissioner Martin Weekes - The Bermuda Police Service wishes to take this opportunity to advise the public on a number of matters to ensure a peaceful and safe time during this year’s Cup Match holiday weekend.

High Visibility Patrols

The Police Service will be conducting High Visibility patrols throughout the weekend with the aim of Making Bermuda safer.

In line with our strategic intent of Guns Gangs, Drugs & Violence reduction, the Bermuda Police Service are intent on deterring those members of the public that might seek to disrupt the holiday with acts of violence and criminality.

Patrol units assisted by their colleagues from the Bermuda Reserve Police, will be paying particular attention to incidents of public disorder, weapons possession and public drug misuse. Certainly, those persons who are not deterred by the presence of the police and commit these offences can expect to be promptly arrested and delivered to the Courts.

St. George's Cricket Club

Officers from the BPS and Bermuda Reserve Police will be on duty inside and outside the St. George's Cricket Club grounds throughout the two days of play, directing traffic and conducting Hi Visibility patrols. The club has also contracted the services of a security company and cameras and extra CCTV coverage will be in use in and around the grounds.

Road Traffic

The public is reminded that on Thursday and Friday of Cup Match that road closures and parking restrictions will be in effect in the Wellington area of St. George's. The Bermuda Police Service will endeavour to reduce disruption of the motoring public to a minimum however all should be aware that there will be necessary road closures and there will likely be delays travelling into and out of the Old Towne.

Throughout the four day holiday period another concern will be the volume of traffic that will be on our roads. We are asking the public to exercise care, caution and courtesy while driving, especially when considering the high volume of collisions that seem to traditionally occur on holiday weekends.

Additionally, we encourage members of the public not to drive if they have consumed any quantity of alcohol; even if they think they are below the legal limit. This approach by the public will go a long way to reduce collisions and keep our roads safe for everyone. We would ask the public to consider their friends and family this Cup Match holiday and do their best not to spoil it for everyone by drinking and driving and being involved in road traffic collisions.


Cup Match is traditionally a time when Bermudians like to get out on the water and we expect, weather permitting, that our waterways will be very busy. A full compliment of officers from our Marine Unit, supplemented by the Bermuda Reserve Police and the Bermuda Regiment will be on patrol in our waters to deal with marine incidents.

We would like to remind the boating public that speed is an issue not only in maritime collisions but in the general nuisance factor that is experienced by boaters at anchor near the shoreline. The boating public is reminded of the need to exercise care and caution around other vessels and to be on the lookout for swimmers. To this end, the 5 knot – no wake areas will be strictly enforced in order to calm the marine traffic. We also encourage that persons do not mix any use of alcohol with power-boat operating or sailing.

Additionally we would remind everyone to ensure that their vessels are registered; that a current 2011 decal is prominently displayed on the starboard side of the vessel; that they ensure that all required safety equipment is on board; that they are carrying enough fuel for the intended journey. It is also recommended that they file a float plan if they intend to go offshore.

Loud Music

Loud music complaints are also a problem associated with this Holiday and we accept that the celebration of Cup Match brings with it a party atmosphere. We ask two things of the public: patience and tolerance on the part of the complainants, along with a display of respect and courtesy on the part of the subjects. We encourage members of the communities that they live in to work together to keep the peace in the neighbourhood and avoid the involvement of the police.

Our final message this year is to encourage everyone to exercise patience, tolerance, caution and good old fashioned common-sense to help the Bermuda Police Service to do our job.

We appeal to the public, and in particular to those persons in the community who are involved in violent crime or have friends and family involved in these crimes, to think about the Cup Match holiday and what it means to their community and to not spoil these events for the whole community as has happened on other occasions.

On behalf of the Commissioner of Police, I wish the entire community a pleasant, enjoyable and safe Bermuda Day.

David Minors, Road Safety Officer - The Bermuda Road Safety Council would like to thank our safety partners, the Bermuda Police Service, CADA and the St. George’s Cricket Club for their time and efforts leading up to this Cup Match Holiday.

Our community has created so many falsehoods, myths and misconceptions it has become difficult to identify what is real. We have become de-sensitized to violence, crime and specifically, road safety. It is time to take the veils off Bermuda and Get Real!

Over this upcoming Cup Match holiday, we must adhere to the rules of the road, being mindful of our speed. We must deal with our lack of courtesy on our roads and ensure we fasten our seatbelts, child seats and helmets securely and correctly. We must do these things not just because it may save a life - but because it will save lives.

This Cup Match holiday, the Bermuda Road Safety Council, has highlighted these messages through radio and television. Our friends at CADA have provided ads and banners along our roads to remind everyone of their alternative choices for transport, as well as the Bermuda Police Service will play their role over the next several days.

Bermuda – you also have a role to play in keeping our roads safe during the Cup Match holiday. Ensuring that you maintain the speed limit, fasten your seat belts/helmets/child restraints correctly, and pledging not to drink and drive will go a long way in protecting yourself and others from any unfortunate tragedies.

I would like to take this opportunity again to thank the Bermuda Police Service and CADA for their efforts – working partnerships allow real change to happen. So Bermuda, as we prepare for Cup Match – the battle between the east and the west – let us remember to “Get Real – Drive Smart."

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department