At 4pm on Thursday, February 24th 2011 the Passing Out Parade [see photos] for Recruit Foundation Course #73 took place at Police Headquarters in Prospect, Devonshire. In attendance at the ceremony were several dignitaries including:
- Acting Governor Mr. David Arkley
- The Hon. Walter Roban - Acting Minister of National Security
- Senator the Hon. Michael Scott, JP - Attorney General & Minister of Justice
- Senator the Hon. Michael Dunkley, JP - Shadow Minister of National Security
- Commissioner of Police Michael DeSilva
- Major Marc Telemaque LVO, ED, JP – Permanent Secretary of National Security
- Lt. Col. Brian Gonsalves – Commanding Officer of the Bermuda Regiment
- Mr. Vincent L. Hollinsid – Chief Fire Officer, Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service
- Mr. Lionel Young – Assistant Commissioner of Corrections
- Mr. Cannoth Roberts – Acting Deputy Commandant, Bermuda Reserve Police
- Mrs. Winifred Fostine DeSilva – Collector of Customs
Ten officers were on parade, led by Parade Commander Inspector Charlene Thompson, who is the first female officer to lead a Passing Out Parade. The newest members of the Bermuda Police Service family are:
- Police Constable 2437 Kidane Collins
- Police Constable 2436 Michael Charlton
- Police Constable 2438 Rhiannon Furbert
- Police Constable 2441 Cecilia Rogers
- Police Constable 2440 Khalid Pitcher
- Police Constable 2435 Christopher Brady
- Police Constable 2439 Patricia Jeffers
- Police Constable 2426 Kristyn Minors
- Police Constable 2442 Nathaneal Tannock
- Police Constable 2433 David McHugh
There were several awards presented during the ceremony. The recipients were:
Athletic Awards
- Instructors Cup – PC Rhiannon Furbert for the fastest time (female) on the Flatts 10K run (1 hour, 3 minutes, 38 seconds)
- Instructors Cup – PC David McHugh for the fastest time (male) on the Flatts 10K run (44 minutes, 16 seconds)
- All Round Athlete & Physical Fitness – PC Cecilia Rogers (female) & PC David McHugh (male).
Deputy Commissioners Cup – Awarded to PC Khalid Pitcher. “The award is for the best effort on the course and the officer who has made the most significant progress.”
Class Valedictorian – PC Khalid Pitcher as chosen by his colleagues on RFC #73.
Charitable Presentation – It is the tradition of each Recruit Foundation Course to raise money to donate to a charity of their choice. This year’s recipient is the Bermuda Cancer & Health Centre. Rhonda Smith-Simmons received a cheque for $3,520 on behalf of the Bermuda Cancer & Health Centre from PC David McHugh. PC McHugh raised $2,400 dollars of that total by running in the International Race Weekend. The rest of the money was raised by a RFC #73 car wash at Paget Shell gas station.
Academic Award – Awarded to PC Cecilia Rogers who achieved an overall test average of 88.9%. Only 1.8% separated the top four student officers.
Commissioner’s Shield – Awarded to Blue Syndicate led by Sergeant Larry Dean and consisting of PC Michael Charlton, PC Christopher Brady, PC Patricia Jeffers, PC Kristyn Minors & PC Khalid Pitcher.
Baton of Honour – Awarded to PC Kristyn Minors who was selected as the most distinguished student officer by the Training Staff.
At the end of the ceremony the officers of Recruit Foundation Course #73 performed a one minute drill display to show off their hard work.
On behalf of the Commissioner of Police Michael DeSilva, the men & women of the Bermuda Police Service would like to congratulate and welcome these ten new officers into the Bermuda Police Service family. |