The Bermuda Police Service Financial Crime Unit continues to advise members of the public not to respond to unsolicited correspondence (via e-mail, fax, letter or telephone call) which claims to offer an amazing prize or cash reward – only if the ‘lucky winner’ is willing to send an amount of money first to ‘secure the winnings’ or other ‘promising opportunity.’
Also, the public should be wary of seemingly legitimate requests that appear to come from a local banking institution to update their personal or financial account information. Currently fraudulent e-mails of this nature claiming to be from HSBC Bank of Bermuda are being received by local residents. These e-mails should be ignored.
Once again, members of the public are advised to be extremely cautious when asked to send funds to persons who have contacted them unexpectedly - especially via the internet. If a person or entity insists that funds are transferred by means other than the banking system, additional scrutiny of the transaction is advisable.
If you are in any doubt about correspondence you may have received or a prospective financial transaction, please do not hesitate to contact the Financial Crime Unit on 295-0011.