The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) is pleased with the Police Complaints Authority’s review of our collision statistics and the training we provide to our officers. The PCA’s review allowed them to be satisfied that the BPS takes all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the public as it relates to police collisions. Statistically it is clear that police collisions have been decreasing over the years; we are committed to lowering the collision statistics even further and where necessary, officers will receive additional training to better improve their driving skills.
These figures are slightly amended from the previously released figures which were 74 for 2006 and 47 for 2008.
Collisions No Injury Injury Single RTC* Police Fault
2005 65 52 13 10 1
2006 75 59 16 8 8
2007 65 52 13 12 6
2008 48 37 11 12 2
2009** 33 26 7 3 1
*Collisions involving Police vehicle only.
**2009 is up until the end of August. |