

Press Releases


Media Relations Dept.
Police Headquarters
P.O. Box HM 530
Tel: (441) 299-4249/4291/4321
Fax: (441) 299-4322
E-mail: Police Media Relations

Date:Friday, June 26,2009
Distribution: All Media

Press Conference - Recent Firearms Related Incidents

Superintendent Paul Wright, Officer in Charge of the Serious & Organised Crime Division - So far this year there have been several firearms related reports, with 35 reported firearm incidents, 22 of which have been substantiated. However, there is a highly visible significant Police presence on the streets and their presence has been very well received by the law abiding community. In addition, the Serious Crime Unit has been reinforced and is fully committed to fully investigate every incident.

There have been four incidents this week alone that illustrate the range of firearms incident types:

  • One involving person(s) unknown firing shots in the Lorraine Drive/St Mary’s Rd Warwick area in the early hours of Saturday morning  - June 20th
  • One involving person(s) unknown firing at a residence on Bluebell Lane in Sandy’s parish in the early hours of Thursday morning – June 25th
  • The arrest on Thursday June 25th of two males in connection with enquiries relating to an imitation firearm being brandished.
  • A fourth incident early this morning (Friday, June 26th) at the Southampton Rangers Club involving person(s) unknown firing shots into the air.

The Bermuda Police Service is responding appropriately. We are catching offenders and putting them before the courts. Over the past several months hardly a week goes by without the media reporting on violent offenders appearing in court. This is not an easy task – my detectives can cite many examples where they are satisfied that people have witnessed incidents and can identify the offenders but refuse to cooperate with Police; often the very communities where firearms incidents have occurred end up inadvertently protecting the offender.

We are focusing our efforts on those who have already been identified as Prolific Priority Offenders and have put systems in place for an enhanced follow-up to ensure that all investigative opportunities are seized whenever these individuals come into custody. The Bermuda Police Service is using the powers under Section 315F of the Criminal Code and I commend our officers for their continued hard work and vigilance, but we are very concerned that Police will be confronted by armed persons who might place themselves, Police and members of the public in danger by their actions. Even suspects who carry imitation guns or by their words and gestures create the impression that they possess guns place everyone around them at risk, as an armed Police officer cannot be expected to be able to differentiate if the suspects’ firearm is real or fake.

Club owners, event organizers and liquor licensed premises also have a duty of care to their patrons and must play their role in ensuing common standards such as CCTV, an adequate security presence and screening for weapons. Proper event management and working well in advance of the event with Police to ensure the safety of patrons will also go a long way to curbing the anti-social behaviour currently being displayed by some individuals in our community.

Bermuda quite rightly has a low tolerance for this type of violent and anti social behavior. We encourage the community to use the Bermuda Police Service and Crime Stoppers to play your part in denying the criminal minority their view that they can do whatever they want, by calling Crime Stoppers (1-800-623-8477) or the main Police number (295-0011) with any information you may have about firearms related activity or suspicious persons.

All incidents are under investigation. Police are appealing to members of the public who have witnessed these incidents or may have information pertaining to them to contact their respective Police Station, Police Headquarters at 295-0011 or the confidential Crimestoppers Hotline on 1 (800) 623-8477.

Public & Media Relations Department