An investigation is ongoing into an attempted sexual assault which occurred on Pitts Bay Road in Pembroke around 4am on Saturday, February 28th 2009. A 20 year old Pembroke man was arrested in connection with the incident shortly afterwards. He was subsequently released on Police bail. Police are now making a public appeal for anyone who may have seen anything in the Pitts Bay Road area near Smatt’s Cycles around 4am Saturday February 28th or anyone with any information about this incident to contact the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit on 295-0011.
Brief details:
It appears that around 4am Saturday, February 28th a 28 year old Paget woman was walking along Pitts Bay Road in Pembroke in the area of Smatt’s Cycles when an unknown male in a car approached her and then drove off. A short time later an unknown man came up from behind and grabbed the 28 year old Paget woman, dragging her into a nearby driveway where he attempted to sexually assault her. A struggle ensued and the victim sustained facial injuries as well as abrasions to her body. She attended KEMH for treatment. The suspect is described as a dark skinned male, approximately 6’ tall with a flat nose and short hair wearing a black jacket, shirt and jeans. The car he was driving is described as an older model burgundy sports coupe. Inquiries into this matter continue.
The Bermuda Police Service would like the motoring public to be aware of the following. At 2pm on Monday, March 16 the funeral of Kevin Mooney will take place at St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Church in Pembroke. The Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service will have approximately 11 fire appliances in addition to smaller auxiliary vehicles taking part. The following parking and traffic restrictions will occur to facilitate the funeral.
Funeral Route to and from the church:
- Inward: Bully Graham Funeral Home, Mount Hill Pembroke, Langton Hill, right on St. John’s Road, left onto Woodlands Road, left onto Canal Road, right onto Laffan Street.
- Outward: South on Cedar Avenue, (including the one way section) left onto Church Street, right onto King Street, Cavendish Road, Middle Road, right onto Montpelier Road, right onto Frog Lane, right onto Palmetto Road, right onto Roberts Avenue.
Traffic will be restricted along the procession route through the city and will be as follows:
Traffic Junctions
- Elliott Street / Cedar Avenue – Traffic will be allowed to travel west on Elliott Street (primarily to allow parents to collect young children from Mount Saint Agnes School).
- Laffan Street / Washington Street – Traffic will not be allowed to travel east beyond this junction.
- Dundonald Street/Cedar Avenue – Traffic to be held at the junction until funeral procession has cleared the junction.
- Victoria Street / Cedar Avenue – Traffic to be held at the junction until funeral procession has cleared the junction.
- Church Street / Cedar Avenue – Traffic to be held at the junction until funeral procession has cleared the junction.
- Burnaby Street / Church Street – Traffic to be held at the junction until funeral procession has cleared the junction.
- Parliament Street / Church Street – Traffic to be held at the junction until funeral procession has cleared the junction.
- Court Street / Church Street – Traffic to be held at the junction until funeral procession has cleared the junction.
- King Street / Church Street – Traffic to be held at the junction until funeral procession has cleared the junction.
Parking Restrictions
The following parking restrictions will be in effect between 5am and 4pm Monday March 16, 2009:-
- No parking will be allowed on the northern side of Elliott Street from Cedar Avenue to Washington Street.
- No parking will be allowed on the southern side of Elliott Street in the ‘curb side parallel car parking bays’.
- No parking will be allowed on Laffan Street from 5am until 4pm.