The Bermuda Police Service is pleased to announce the recent promotion of the following officers: Inspector Robert Cardwell, Inspector Terence Maxwell, Inspector Christopher Clarke, Inspector Na’imah Williams, Inspector Charlene Thompson, Sergeant David Bhagwan, Sergeant Christopher Terry, Sergeant Michael Thomas, Sergeant Kimberly Cowper, Sergeant Andrew Harewood, Sergeant Allan Meiguel, Sergeant Ronald Taylor, Sergeant Kirley Mitchel and Sergeant Sherwin Joseph.
Below are the outlines of some of the officers’ careers within the Bermuda Police Service:
Promoted to Inspector: Robert Cardwell
Inspector Cardwell joined the Bermuda Police Service as a Police Cadet in 1989 and was appointed to Constable in 1991 then promoted to Sergeant in 2001. He commenced his career in Uniform in the Eastern Division moving on to the Traffic Division and Motorcycle Patrol. Over the years he has worked on various Task Forces, the Police Support Unit (PSU) and as a Detective in Narcotics and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID). Inspector Cardwell’s last Detective post was as Second in Command and Deputy Senior Investigating Officer in the Serious Crime Unit where he also acted in the role of Senior Investigating Officer and Officer In Charge of the Unit. Inspector Cardwell has been awarded 5 Commissioner’s Commendations and a Commendation from the New England Organized Crime and Drug Task Forces. Since his promotion, Inspector Cardwell has been posted to the Police Support Unit as the Unit Commander. Inspector Cardwell looks forward to returning to front line policing and the many challenges ahead, as he does his part working with various community sectors to improve quality of life issues.
Promoted to Inspector: Terence Maxwell
Inspector Maxwell has served twenty seven years with the Bermuda Police Service, with nearly three years in the Wiltshire Constabulary England. Prior to his Police career he worked for five years at H. M. Dockyard Devonport, Plymouth England, gaining Engineering City & Guilds plus HNC in Engineering and Engineering Drawing & Design. Inspector Maxwell began his career with the Bermuda Police Service in Western Uniform, transferred to the Traffic Department, Motorcycle Patrol, then to the Central Criminal Investigation Department. From 1988 he was one of the original staff who started the then Major Incident Room (now Serious Crime Unit) and was promoted to Sergeant in 2000, working in the Vehicle Crime Unit until being promoted to Detective Inspector. Since his promotion Inspector Maxwell has returned to the Criminal Investigation Department.
An original member of the Police Underwater Search & Rescue Unit, Inspector Maxwell has been attached to the Royal Anguilla Police Force and is still a Special Detective Sergeant of Police, Royal Anguilla Police Force, where he worked alongside Anguillian Police to help solve a number of outstanding murders in the country. Inspector Maxwell has received 13 Commissioner’s Commendations, 1 Commissioner’s Commendation from the Anguilla Police Force and at least 15 Letters of Good Work. He is an ex-captain of the Bermuda Police Rugby Team and represented Bermuda Rugby for 12 years; he also boxed for Police and is an ex-Vice President of the Police boxing Section. Inspector Maxwell is married with a daughter, who is currently studying veterinary medicine at the University dé Montréal.
Promoted to Inspector: Christopher Clarke
Inspector Clarke is Barbadian and arrived in Bermuda in June 1988 after spending 3 ½ years in the Royal Barbados Police Force. He was appointed as a Constable with the Bermuda Police Service on 1st June, 1988. Inspector Clarke has worked in Central and Western Uniform, the Criminal Investigation Department and as a Parish Constable for 3 years before he was promoted to Sergeant on 1st August, 1998. Inspector Clarke then worked in Narcotics, Central Uniform and as a Supreme Court Liaison Officer. He had served as Acting Inspector from October 2006 until his promotion. Presently, Inspector Clarke is completing his BA in Accounting and is divorced with a 14 year old son.
Promoted to Inspector: Na’imah Williams
Inspector Williams joined the Bermuda Police Service in August 1994 as a Police Cadet and became an officer in August 1995, receiving an academic award on completion of her Recruit Foundation Course. Inspector Williams has worked in Traffic, the Vehicle Crime Unit, Task Force, Special Branch and Central Uniform. She was promoted to Sergeant in January 2004 and has received several Letters of Good Work as well as Merit Awards and Commendations. She has also attended several overseas courses. Inspector Williams is 30 years old and the single mother of a five year old daughter.
Promoted to Sergeant: Andrew Harewood
Sergeant Harewood joined the Royal Barbados Police Force in March of 1996 and while there served in the Narcotics Department, District 'C' Police Station, Oistins Police Station, Central Police Station and as a Government Guard. He joined the Bermuda Police Service in 2003 and was attached to the Police Support Unit (PSU). Sergeant Harewood then became a member of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) in 2004 and was awarded a Perfect Attendance Certificate for that year. In 2005, he received a Merit Award for his diligent work and was Acting Sergeant in the Police Support Unit from January 2007 until his promotion.
Promoted to Sergeant: David Bhagwan
Sergeant Bhagwan was previously a member of the Royal Anguilla Police Force. In 1994 Sergeant Bhagwan successfully completed his initial police training at the Regional Police Training Centre, Barbados. During his career with the Royal Anguilla Police Force, he worked in several departments including the Criminal Investigation Department, the Drug Task Force and the Criminal Intelligence Unit. Sergeant Bhagwan joined the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) in July, 2000. After completing his localization training he was posted to the Operational Policing Division. During Sergeant Bhagwan’s career with the BPS he has served in the Police Support Unit, Criminal Investigation Unit, Narcotics Division and Commissioner’s Office. Sergeant Bhagwan has also received several Commissioner’s Commendations, Letters of Good Work, Merit Awards and Perfect Attendance certificates. Since his promotion, Sergeant Bhagwan has been posted to a Watch at the Hamilton Police Station.
Promoted to Sergeant Christopher Terry
Sergeant Terry joined the Bermuda Police Service on 5th December 1977 and has served in the following departments: Hamilton, Eastern and Traffic Divisions, Special Branch, Prosecutions Department, Hamilton Criminal Investigation Department as well as Travel Control and the Crime Desk in the Intelligence Division. Since Sergeant Terry’s promotion he has been posted as the Service’s Statistician.
Promoted to Sergeant: Michael Thomas
Sergeant Thomas joined as a Police Cadet in 1986 and has worked in Central Uniform, Traffic, the Motor Cycle Patrol Section, the Vehicle Crime Unit, Task Force, the Driver Training Unit and the Financial Investigation Unit. Sergeant Thomas is currently posted in specialist operational training.
Promoted to Sergeant: Ronald Taylor
Sergeant Taylor has 18 years of Police Service; he joined the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service in 1989 and served there for eleven years before joining the Bermuda Police Service in 2000. Sergeant Taylor has worked in Uniform, the Operational Policing Division and the Criminal Investigation Unit. He is currently posted to the Training Department.
Promoted to Sergeant: Kirley Mitchel
Sergeant Mitchel has been a Police officer for 12 years. He served six years in the Royal St. Lucia Police Force, with five of those years spent as a Drug Squad Detective. He has also attended several narcotics courses in St. Lucia. Sergeant Mitchel arrived in Bermuda on July 1, 2000 and joined the Bermuda Police Service. He has worked in the Narcotics Division and then the Vehicle Crime Unit, until his promotion on February 16, 2007. Sergeant Mitchel is currently attached to Hamilton Police Station.
Promoted to Sergeant: Kimberly Cowper
Sergeant Cowper joined the Bermuda Police Service in June 2004. Since then she has worked in Central and Western Uniform and the Police Support Unit. Following her promotion, Sergeant Cowper has been posted to the Uniform Division of the Hamilton Police Station.