· At Home: Always lock your doors and windows when leaving your house, even for a few minutes. If you leave home for an extended period of time, ask a neighbour or family member to watch the house and collect any deliveries. Displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through your windows or doors.
· Strangers at your door: Be aware that criminals sometimes pose as couriers or persons soliciting donations for charitable causes. Always ask for identification and ask how the donated funds will be used. If you are not satisfied, do not donate. Only donate to recognised charitable organisations.
· Driving: Keep doors locked and windows closed when you are away from the car. Do not leave purchases in the seat of the car, but lock them in the trunk. When approaching and leaving your vehicle, always be aware of your surroundings. Do not approach the car alone if there are suspicious people standing by.
· Shopping: Avoid carrying large amounts of cash and where possible pay for purchases by cheque, credit or debit card. If you must use an ATM, choose one that is well illuminated. Withdraw only the amount of cash you need. Shield the keypad when you enter your PIN number to prevent anyone viewing your transaction and obtaining your number. Retain your receipt, and notify the card issuer immediately if the card is lost or stolen.
· After Christmas: This is when thieves usually go on a shopping spree. Avoid leaving boxes outside for trash pick up as this tells the thief ‘what you got.’ They know if you got a computer, DVD or new TV. Dispose of the boxes carefully by concealing them in trash bags. Update your property inventory with details, value and serial numbers of new items, and photograph each item. Supply copies to your insurance company and keep another copy in a safe place, not on the premises.