The Bermuda Police Service is aware of an e-mail which is currently circulating on island warning of a drug being distributed which is targeted at children. The drug is said to resemble a popular type of children’s candy and come in various flavours. The e-mail also states that if this drug is taken, serious illness or death may result.
It is obvious that this e-mail refers to a North American phenomenon. We have not had any incidents of this kind on the island. However, the Bermuda Police Service is encouraging all parents/guardians to remind their children not to take anything from anyone they do not know and if still in doubt, to take the substance to an adult.
Anyone with any information about suspected illegal drug activity should contact Police on 295-0011.
While this e-mail was circulated with the best of intentions, we are advising the public that before they send out an email regarding serious issues concerning young people or personal safety, they should contact the appropriate local agency to ensure the information contained in the e-mail is pertinent and relevant to this jurisdiction.
In addition, the Bermuda Police Service is encouraging all businesses to ensure that their employees are in compliance with their organization’s e-mail policy. |