Island Wide Power Outage
The Bermuda Police Service and Bermuda Fire Service responded to a fire at BELCO at 3:05 this morning. It appears that a main switching station was fully engulfed by the fire which resulted in an island wide power outage. BELCO is waiting for the fire to be fully contained by the Fire Service so they can better assess ways to re-route power to the island. BELCO anticipates that it will take all day to fully restore power to the island; however, this will be a gradual process with power being restored to the island in phases.
BELCO is requesting massive power conservation by residents once service is restored. Individuals are asked to use electricity sparingly, as this lessens the burden on the system. This includes all major non-essential appliances such as air conditioners etc.
BELCO and the Police Service will be updating the public with developments as they occur. Police are also reminding the public to use care, caution and courtesy on our roads as the traffic lights across the island are not operational at the moment. We are asking motorists to use caution especially at junctions and major intersections in order to avoid collisions or injury as a result of a collision.